Electrical and plumbing symbols scrapbook for Layout?

Is there a Layout scrapbook with basic electrical and plumbing symbols? I don’t see one in the scrapbooks tab. I found a few for Sketchup and I also found some in 3D Warehouse which work well in Sketchup but when I “insert” or paste them into Layout they come in scaled too big and when I scale them down they become illegible. I guess I could make my own but I’m sure someone has already done it better than can. There are libraries that can be purchased online but I’m not sure if I’m going to have the same problem with those. Can somebody help. Muchas Grazie Millie

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Thanks Dezmo. I tried cutting and pasting one of the symbols from your library but they come in scaled too big. When I try to make them smaller they get distorted. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks. Jim

Sorry it is not my library, I just used the forum search and pointed you to the result.
I’m not using layout.

Searching on YouTube for tutorials - ‘create scrapbook from sketchup’ - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=create+scrapbook+from+sketchup



Thanks very much. I followed your link and there’s a whole lot of tutorial videos. But I couldn’t find the one you took your snippet from. What was the name of that video? It looks really good…

By following those tutorials you learn about Layout and Scrapbooks. My ‘snippet’ is actually a very condensed version of the steps you need to follow to create those scrapbooks you want and I created it after watching some of those tutorials.

Oh, OK. Well thanks again. Great job. Yeah I’m watching lots and lots of tutorials. By the way, are you interested and available to do some private tutoring online? Let me know if you do this and what you charge. I’m in a big hurry to get my plans finished.