Hopefully someone can help/advise on the issue I’m currently facing.
I’m trying to add some typography to an existing build - essentially type that has been generated in Illustrator as part of some signage designs. As I’ve not been able to separate the letters out or apply a fill to them I have also tried creating the text using the 3d type tool in the relevant font.
Part 1 (top) is type created in SketchUp using the relevant font - unfortunately, as you can see on letters like the e, the a etc - rather than the type/individual letter being 1 unit there are the additional lines - when I try to remove these it destroys the type.
Part 2 is the type from illustrator imported as a .dwg file - this looks great but I can’t apply any fill even though individual letter can be selected using the selection tool. Using split for example gives me the error message; One or more of the objects is either not solid or is locked…etc etc
Unlock - both selections are grey out
I’m sure this is a simple function, but I can find anything on the tutorials or google searches (probably missing something obvious)
Are you editing the 3D Text component? I would open the component for editing, select all of the geometry, right click on it, choose Intersect Faces>With Selection and then try erasing the unneeded edges.
There are no faces in the imported .dwg to add materials to. You can trace edges of each glyph with the Line tool and you should get faces that can have materials applied. There are extensions that might make the faces for you.
Hi Dave
Thank you very much - I’m a complete novice only been using SketchUp for 2 days and working on an existing build - I’m sure once I’ve had a chance to complete some more tutorials etc It will become far more obvious.
Font is Montseratt
I was trying to edit the font using the selection tool/paint tool etc
.DWG - ah ok, I’ll take a look at this - I assumed as the frame to the type was there as a flat object I would be able to fill.
That is a great help for starters, thank you for taking the type to help
How tall is the text in the 3D Text panel? This is modeled at 24" tall. No overlapping edges or anything to clean up other than the face orientation which is normal.
Hi DaveR - could it be the font? I’ve just tried at 24" and large with regular, bold and black and I’m still getting the distortion.
All our artwork is created in Adobe CC so fonts used are from the CC font library. These can’t be used in other third party apps so I’ve temporarily downloaded a Free Font version .ttf format - just to test if additional fonts would work with Sketch Up prior to making any purchases.
Just wondering if you are using an OTF or different type of font?
It could be the font. I did a quick search and found a free download of something called Montserrat Black from dafontfree.net which came as an OTF file. I installed it to try it out.