Hi! i am working on a project to create a VR - 360 photo using skethup to add things in the picture. I have an example of a similar project that used this technique: Roundme - create Stock 360 VR panoramic pictures virtual tour online
I have searched all over the internet but i can’t seem to find any tutorial on how to do this. I am a beginner by the way, is there anyone more experienced then me that know how you can do this?
Best regards
What you are looking for is a rendering engine that will render a 360 degree rendering from a SketchUp model. I don’t know about EVERY renderer out there, but I know that V-ray can produce those.
Hi @Nipeg ,
If i understood correctly, you want to add some ‘tags’ that is clickable. And when it’s clicked, it will travel you to that location displaying another spherical panorama, am i right?
Take a look at this: vrto.me . They have an interface where you upload your spherical panorama (.jpeg / cubemap) and add ‘hotspots’.
This websites offering similar features as well: 360pano.eu ,
Also take a look at this: irisvr.com/prospect . They seem to have a SketchUp plugin!
If you want to create spherical panoramas with SketchUp styles, have a look at this plugin: WebGL Cubic Panorama .
Also as Aaron mentioned, there are renderer plugins such as Vray and Thea for photorealistic panorama creation.
Thanks for the reply @TheOnlyAaron and @filibis! I have found how you can create a panorama from a sketchup file, the main issue i have is about blending a real life 360 photo and a sketch up model. How do you apply a 360 photo in sketch up? Do you make a sphere and apply the 360 photo as an texture inside it? or is there any better way that you know of? The tags are not really relevant, i want to focus on making one scene that looks realistic.
Renderer plugins have “dome light” features that you can add your spherical panorama as image and it appears in renders. Check this for Vray: V-Ray Dome Light | LightDome.
I’m not sure if there is a good way of doing this with native tools that SketchUp provides. Closest one i’ve seen is jimhami42’s cylinder method here: Panoramic backgrounds for SketchUp models - #3 by DanRathbun
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