Dynamic components research

Good Morning
I pretty sure this has been covered before but dont know where to look.
Dynamic component (2x4) want to change to (2x6) with all of the same attributes.
Once again thanks for the help.

Edit the Dynamic Components properties and change the 3-1/2 in. dimension to 5-1/2 in.

Seems kind of odd to me to make a Dynamic Component of a 2x4. Ends up making the component heavier as far as file size than it really needs to be.

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You might like to try the Wood Framing extension from the SketchUcation plug-in store.

It will draw your 2x4 and 2x6 with three or four clicks

sorry meant to say dc of a 2x4 stud wall to a 2 x 6 stud wall. with all the same attributes. can change length and height but not depth

Ah, that’s different from a single beam. The extension might still be useful if you don’t want the weight of a DC.

Which extension might that be?

Wood Framing.

the best way is to have the studs, plates, blocks, letins, etc all defined in the parent component and use those to set each of the respective components. this way the changes happen across the entire assembly. see example:
wood_frame_simple.skp (41.2 KB)

looking for a “wall framing” using 2 x 6 already for 2 x 4
sorry if this the wrong place to ask

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