Dynamic Components - Gotcha List

Been spending the last week or two refreshing myself with Dynamic Components and minefield of gotcha’s that can frustrate the process.

So I decided to begin summarising all the scattered advice and experience I have found throughout the forum contributions from people here much more knowledgeable on the subject… (shoutout to Dan Rathbun and PCMOOR… among many others)

It seemed a wasted effort to have this only on my PC so I have created a Google Sheets online list for any forum members to access and correct, supplement and extend if you feel so inclined.

I have tried to keep it as simple and succinct as possible so it is quick to search… and added links to the reference source…for more detailed information

Welcome to any suggestions on how it might be improved and hopefully a similar database might be prepared for Live Components…

Dynamic Components Gotcha List!


This is awersome! Thanks for the effort!

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