Dynamic component challenge - DashLine, Line thickness, fill scaling and holes

fix any objects size by making the size value equal the required ( = 6) without any metric units

in the position Z value use a formula like copy*distance, where “copy” is the read only attribute visible in the actual copies (observe in out liner) and has a value equal to the copy number

attributes (values) can be clicked in to a cell like one does in most spreadsheets without the need to write (spell) them. Groups will except values from the parent and siblings whereas Components will moreover, except values from children

you hide the connections via right click context menu, hide. In this case as per your example attached, you would make three parts.

You would make a template to contain the styles, data (maybe a global DC, common used components), scenes, etc… that is typical for the workflow.


The template? then right click save the DC. If the DC is not cannibalized or reused then any file will do to alter then saveas, otherwise use a common file, make each new alternative unique after using “parent!” in lieu of its parent label title when required.

Use a scaler, this is a small hidden DC swatch with its size set, placed inthe component concerned A method introduced by Tig.
Or another using a child to reference a parents position, thus forcing an update

It is recommended only to use components, however groups can be used with care, as they do not populate the file with lots of redundancy. Groups can have copy issues in that their DC properties can behave like components and are hard to become unique, for simple methods okay, but changing sizes of copies is buggy, However quite easy to change a group to a component if it plays up!

With regards to copying a hole and having the hole maintain its cutting ability, one places the hole DC within another cutting DC. Example make a hole, use the copies formula and create another, select both and make a cutting DC, change copies to zero to reset, then from thence it will work to require number of copies.

sampleGlue.skp (805.5 KB)

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