Hi, I’m looking to create a component that can change the dimensions of a cabinet unit, but there’s a problem: the cutout in the body changes its dimensions, scales, and collapses. On the other hand, I can’t define separate pieces because I’m having trouble getting the cutlist in the open cutlist plugin, and it considers the pieces as separate.
Is there any way to create cuts in the body that keep their dimensions and positions constant?
use groups for the sub parts, OCL does not read groups
but only use them at one level (lowest) not group with sub groups as groups are not reliable to become unique by them selves
OCL only recognizes components, and if I put two components in a group, it recognizes two and cannot be used as a complete piece.
I think that what @pcmoor means that instead you should put two groups in a component
To make the cutout shape dynamic you need to use about three subobjects, with the edges between them hidden.
Oh, I understand, thank you very much for your advice and help.
Thank you very much for your advice and help.
It might be cleaner to make everything a component. You can “group” several components within a component.
OCL reads components, in this case we want a complex shape made of DC groups to be seen as its parent which is a component and the various parts not accounted as it would in the SketchUp report maker
OCL has many advantages over the report writer, not reporting 2D, invisible / hidden components, DC holes…and its getter better each year.