DXF file not working

DXF file not working

Please say more. It isn’t clear to me from your terse sentence exactly what you are doing…
Edit: based on your edit - are you exporting as a 2D graphic dxf? If so, be aware that this is akin to a screen shot, it exports the view the same as on your display, including exporting circles and arcs as segmented. Edges that should have terminated on a circle or arc will cross it or fall short of it unless they happen to go to a vertex of the segmented representation.

When converted

The 6 words you have written to describe the problem are not enough to understand you. The first user that responded used 10x as much just trying to figure out what you are talking about. Getting solutions here requires specific questions and as much information as you can give. Like life, the more you put in, the more you get out. If you put in nothing, that’s what you get.

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Honestly, I was just trying to delete it. I don’t know how to. I give up on theses forms never get anywhere.

Just trying to delete what? Seriously are you trolling here or actually trying to get help? If you don’t ask a clear question then we can’t answer. Whatever “it” is I hope you get it deleted. If you don’t give up, neither will I.

I was trying to delete the question…but I was trying to figure out how to properly export a 3-D drawing to a DXF file As when I opened it up with another cab file software there’s thousands of overlaying lines over my essential lines and I’m trying to figure out a way to get rid of them as my goal is to just have the essential line so I can layout A tool path for CNC

That doesn’t tell me what I need to do ??? I’m lost am sure many others face the same problem or similar in some degree

Did you watch the video in that thread?

Make a 2D shape with either arcs or circles. Place it flat on the XY plane. Set the Camera to Parallel Projection and choose the Top standard view so the camera is looking directly down on the piece. Choose File>Export>3D Model. At the bottom of the export window set the file type to .dwg or .dxf. In the options uncheck all export entity except edges, only export edges.

Thank you Very much for the detailed description… never seen the Video or thread thanks