Hello Guys,
I´m a german guy and architectural draftsman. My english is not the very best. All day long I sit in front of my CAD modeling 3d architectural things. At the end of the day I am printing…Drawings or Draftings?
Can you help me out? What´s the difference?
There’s probably a rather boring technical answer to this. I’\m not going into that. I can only tell you as an Englishman with many years of architectural drawing behind me what I think.
We generally call the person who does the technical drawing a draftsman, not a drawingsman (no such word AFAIK). But we call his output drawings not drafts. We tend to use the noun draft in this context to mean version. So you do the first draft of a drawing, for example, before it is amended and becomes definitive.
I guess the word drafting does exist but it is not in common use.
And your English is much, much better than my German!
I prefer modeling since, although the screen is 2D, you “draw” edges in a 3D environment. And SketchUp fills in the faces for coplanar loops. That’s one of the reasons why I prefer to work in ‘Perspective’ mode.
Then you would be sitting in a draft drinking a draught while drafting your drawing or draught of a car drafting another drifting driver during a dry spell.
I was quite sure that I had seen the term draughtsman instead of draftsman used somewhere so I searched and found Drafter - Wikipedia. It says Britons use that…