Drawing on vertical plane

I have been having trouble drawing non perpendicular parallel lines to define a shape to push pull edit. When I close the lines, the shape does not highlight. When I zoom in to very large scale, I find that the lines do not meet, or that the 6± sided geometry is not in the same plane. Attached is Sketchup file that gives an example. To try to keep on one plane I drew vertical square with the snapping of the axis through other shape so I could define the intersection of edges by drawing a new line at that intersection. When I try to copy that line to create the parallel shape, I have trouble getting the copied line to be exactly the same plane.

My query is for tips on drawing on planes that are not aligned with blue, green, red axis.

Also, is there a way to program the snapping so you draw lines at different angles that are commonly used.

Eli Drawing in same plane question.skp (1.9 MB)

Layers layers layers! No beginner should change the active layer.
No beginner should be able to change the active layer, but that is a long running argument.

Your Raw geometry is on different layers and should all be on layer0
Groups and Components can be given layer tags to adjust their visibility, but the Active Layer should always remain as Layer0 unless you really know what you are doing. Do not move the little dot on the left from Layer0.

You need to look at how to use Components and Layers.

Your issue is not apparent from your .skp file, at least the one you seem to be talking about.

In general, it’s a mistake to try constructing things off-axis, since you’re fighting the inferencing system, which is supposed to make modeling things easier. Either construct the model on-axis and move and orient it into its final position and orientation when construction is complete or temporarily rotate the axis system to be parallel to your model.

Also, you have way overused the soften/smooth function. Use the least amount of softening that will adjust the edges that need it.

Also, you should try using a template with a horizon. The solid white background is disorienting (like an arctic white-out), and the horizon line can be useful for lining things up.

Try using SU’s built-in drawing-assist features instead of fighting them and see how you do.


What do you mean by softening too much?

I imported from datacad, sketchup uses the layer form previous program.

I should look to see how I can locate to 0,0,0 origin in Datacad to import to Sketchup at 0,0,0

Using other layers allows me to control visibility. What is wrong about that?


Layers are the best means to control visibility of Groups or ComponentInstances. But primitive geometry (edges, arcs, circles, polygons, faces, …) should always be drawn on layer0 and left there. There is seldom a solid reason to need to associate ungrouped primitive geometry with anything but layer0. Very confusing situations can result from ignoring this advice. It’s like working with a sharp tool; even though you think you know what you are doing, you run a risk that eventually you will cut yourself.

When you are softening/smoothing with the dialog, if you move the slider too far to the right, too much softening, the affected surface takes on a weird, difficult-to-describe specular appearance, with false highlights and some edges blurred.

On this picture, the top shows your model as I opened it; the bottom shows it with the softening effect turned down to a normal range.
