Draw a cone with a flat top

Please explain how to draw a cone with a flat top, I dont understand the earlier posts on this topic.

In general, you make “turned” objects by using a profile of the shape from the centerline outward as a profile, and a circle as a path for the Follow Me tool. The circle path doesn’t have to touch the profile, just be a projection of it with the center/axis in the right spot. Pick the circle path by double clicking, then select the Follow Me tool, then select that profile shape.

What part don’t you understand? Follow Me with a cross section and a circle for the path as @RTCool shows is a great way to do this. You could also create a cylinder, select the circle at one end and change the radius in Entity Info.

Or you could select the circle and us the Scale tool to change its size.

truncated cone


Thankyou, I understand.

Thankyou, I understand now.