Does anyone know if this is a bug? Are there any workarounds?
I have one part in my drawing that the dimensions completely change their location as soon as I click off the part. I have a before image and an after image, but I am not sure how to post them.
Thanks for the help. I got the “before” posted in my original post. The “after” is posted above.
I did figure out a workaround, but it still bugs me that I was not able to get it to work the first way. The workaround was to delete all the dimensions and start again.
I put all the dimensions for a particular part in a group and have the group be a sub-group to the part. This allows me to hide the dimensions when I don’t want to see them, but still keeps them with the part. (The part is a component.)
You should be using a dimension layer for controlling visibility. (Dimensions are not primitives, so they can be associated with a layer other than “Layer0”.)
Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the suggestion. I use layers all the time for dimensioning, but on this particular project, I was trying a different way, because I wanted to be able to view individual part dimensions. It was going well, until I ran into this problem. I went back and recreated my steps and the problem appears to be with the way that Sketchup allows an additional dimension to be added to the group. I will play with the steps some more until I can post a step by step process to recreate the problem. In the mean time, I have a workaround so I can continue working to meet my looming deadline.
Is there a scaled part involved that you are dimensioning? That would explain changing locations of dimensions.
Also, your best bet would be with different layers to “hide / unhide” certain groups of dimensions (and text), as @DanRathbun mentioned above.