We’re interested in investing in a Floor Printer as the SIP system we’ve developed as a full File > Factory > Site system, works on tight accuracies. We’re looking at this system developed by Dusty Robotics. But we’re wondering if the 2D DWG file exported from SketchUp will be suitable.
So my question is, has anyone trialed such exports with this or other floor printing robots?
When you export a 2D view out of a 3D model on sketchup, you’ll have a lot of overlapping lines, and segmented straight lines that cause problems at the moment of printing, with the command overkill you can get rid of most of them and fix segmented lines but probably you’ll need to have different layers, the lines exported from sketchup will be all on the same layer, you’ll have to assign layers manually on Autocad.
That’s understood! Though we would only be exporting the locations of our timber bottom plates, anchors and panel numbers / panel orientation. And all of that is at one level! We don’t use any 3D components other than the panel itself and that can be turned off!
Here’s an example on my thoughts of the floor print.
brilliant idea but I hope someone double checked the plans before they were printed on the floor… sometimes manual setout discovers a mistake… just like it also creates one