An option that should exist is actually that we should be able to add a datum to the origin. In Sketchup we must model close to origin when in fact it could be Km away from the topographical survey coordinates. CAD doesn’t require that.
We should be able to tell the exporter to add 10200m to X and subtract 1500m to Y and 0m to Z, so that the export will be placed on the right georefferenced coordinates and not the sketchup coodinates.
I hope you understand what this means, as it’s very important.
This should actually exist also for 3D Cad exports.
If the plugin would export those scenes not as viewports nor drawings inside the model, but as a DWG file for scene all could be easily solved with a lot of advantages. This could be done with several settings:
- Simply export each DWG file to a folder;
- Besides mport each of these files into a single DWG file, as Xrefs;
- Insert all Xref files into the origin of the DWG drawing;
- Or Insert each xref at a specific distance from each other, like 500m or 1 mile
- Assigne a specific layer to each Xref, named after the scene;
- Create a viewport for each Xref, in paperspace
- Or create a paperspace for each Xref
- When creating paperspace viewports, hide the layers of the other xrefs so that these viewports work, no matter if the xrefs would all be placed in origin, or with a distance far away from each other.
- Consider a drawing scale that should be assigned to each scene, so that the paperspace viewport created by each scene works well
- Consider that a scene like a plan view could be exported into multiple different paperspaces, each with a specific scale.
What this method would allow is for us to export a single or all scenes in batch, and either insert each drawing in a DWG file manually or auto generate a file, correctly organized to display all drawings.
It would also allow us to update a single drawing or all drawings, by ovewriting them. When this overwrite happens we can update all Xrefs in our base DWG file.
This allows us to keep refreshing our work in our main DWG file, from CAD side, while also keep working on Sketchup and update our model.
This would effectively allow us to work with Sketchup for design development, but keep working with CAD for drafting, detailing and construction documentation.
The main CAD file could have all drawing titles, annotations and whatnot, while a simple reloading of Xrefs would update the base drawings.
As it is right now, if we export DWG files, we hardly can work on the base DWG, as it might risk being overwritten.
I think the method above is the only one that can effectively replace Layout and use DWG as a drafting basis.
I don’t think assigning a UCS coordinate system for each drawing would be an easy management of the drawing, as UCS are meant more as temporary user coordinate systems. If we want to guarantee that we can coordinate all new versions of a DWG file, we must be sure that we have a fixed insertion point for each Xref file. So the scene coordinates are able to do this, as they would always export the same.
For certain workflows like masterplans, the origin of the model and datum could be the best option.