Difficulty with saving projects

Good Morning,
In my institute Sketchup for School has been used for several years and, despite not having high-performance computers, we didn’t have substantial problems with it. However, in the last few weeks we have had serveral problems during modeling especially with inserting blocks, textures and saving files.
This issues are found by almost all students, in school and at home: the software became really slow and very often isn’t possible to save changes and they have to restart the work several times, but they always have the same issues.
Often the files are identified as “temporary”, so it isn’t possible to save or even download the file.
Another issue is with the dimension of the files: in our experience the average file is about 20 MB, now they are about 180 MB.
Having never encountered any particular problems, I ask you if it is possible to do something about it.
Thank you for your attention and for any feedback,
Best regards

Have your students been loading components from the 3D Warehouse? There are many models there that, while ok as standalone, are way over-detailed for use as decorative elements in a broader model. They can quickly bloat a model to the point that the web version (or even the desktop version) struggles or fails to cope.

Edit: you should remove the contact info from your post. It is against forum policy because bots scrape such items from the web to steal your identity.

Hi @joseelinep, thanks for the post. I can’t say for sure what the issue might be but if you are willing to share a file or two I am happy to take a look at it to see if I can figure out where the file size increase is coming from.

As for saving, make sure that the autosave is turned on and set to a reasonable time so that students don’t lose their work. Also make sure that students refresh the page every 45 to 55 minutes. We have had reports that there is a bug in the login at the moment for some users and refreshing the page regularly seems to fix it.