Designing your own Components

Hello there

I am new to Sketchup and currently using the Web based application - Is it possible to develop your own components on the free version ? I want to design a BBQ grill place and want to make scale components of the breeze blocks, fire bricks, mantels etc that I intend to buy for this project

Is this possible ? Any advise would be gratefully received

Yes. You can model your own components in SketchUp Free. If you want to have them for later use, too, you can create the components as separate models and save them or upload them to the 3D Warehouse.

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Hi Dave thanks for coming back to me - I will have another go at doing this , though originally I could not work out to save them as component - I tried one and saved it as .skp file in a folder I created. I assume that I need to something else

I am starting by creating a simple millimetre template

Nope. Components are just .skp files. If you are saving them to your Trimble Connect storage by just hitting Save, you can later select them by using Insert from the drop down menu in the upper left corner.

Do you mean you are starting by selecting millimeters when you start a new file? That’s just fine.

thanks Dave, will keep on plugging on :smile: When making a component - is there a particular glue option i need to select ? I have been using the none option

Probably you don’t need to set a gluing option for your components. I make lots of components and rarely ever use the gluing properties because it isn’t appropriate.

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Just as matter of interest, how can I size the component - eg - I need to draw a breeze block 250 x 100 x 140mm ? I select create component and end of with a square in the middle in the centre of the axis but I can’t seem to edit this item or change the dimensions - I must be going awry somewhere ???
Thanks for your help with this

When you draw the initial rectangle drag it out in the general direction, let go of the mouse and type the dimensions. Then use Push/Pull to make it 3D and type the dimension.

It’s not a huge deal but I generally create the geometry, select it and then create the component.


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Dave, is it possible to export individual components from within a project, or do you need to create each individual component as a seperate file?

In the web version, no. You can do that with the desktop versions, though.

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this is great !! Many thanks for the very helpful gif :smile: Can you advise as how I can upload the component to the 3D warehouse and then import them into a new model to use for building my design ?

You can upload to the 2D Warehouse by first clicking on the 3D Warehouse button oon the right side of the screen.
Screenshot - 3_25_2021 , 7_16_05 AM

Then in the 3D Warehouse screen click on the Upload button in the top right corner.

If you click on your name next to the Upload button you can open your collection of components.

Select what you want and click the Download button.
Screenshot - 3_25_2021 , 7_20_29 AM


Thanks for all your help with this - it s greatly appreciated. I am now beginning to find my way around this nicely now :smiley:

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