Having issues with a few curved items on a house model.
I have a couple of questions (not sure if they should be put into separate posts).
Trying to cut openings in a curved wall.
If I make a window a component and resize one of the multiple components will it change all of them. Will this happen if they are already placed in the model. Also having no luck inserting a window in a flat face after selecting “cut opening”.
Also I created a curved stair, though it has issues as you will see, now trying to create a curved pipe railing. Kind of overwhelmed with some of the tutorials though. I am using SU Make 2017.
Thought I attached this in the OP.
circular.skp (439.7 KB)
[quote=“Lansdowne, post:1, topic:94953”]
If I make a window a component and resize one of the multiple components will it change all of them.?
Yes. But if you are simply scaling a component instance without opening (editing) it, no.
Usually for something like a window you will “edit” the component and change the size of the window but not change the thickness of the frame etc., So then you are “editing” the component and all instances of the component that you use will be changed, ones already in the model and those you add later. You can choose the contextual menu command “make unique” and then you will be editing a new component, leaving the first as it is.
If you simply select the instance and use the scale tool without editing, it does not affect the other instances but for something like a window this isn’t realistic.
Will this happen if they are already placed in the model. ?
Also having no luck inserting a window in a flat face after selecting “cut opening”. ?
Properly creating cutting components takes following particular methods and a little practice. Watch videos.
A simple way to demonstrate the process to yourself. Draw a box that is the house. Just a simple cube with push pull. Now draw a rectangle on the ground. Delete the face. Select the edges. Make component. In the dialog choose “glue to vertical”, and “cut opening”. Find the component in your component library and select it. Insert the component at one of the faces on the cube/house.
This is one way and different approaches are similar. Anything you add inside that component going forward will be part of it so it can have frame, glass etc. The four (or more) edges in the component define the cutting shape and are coplanar. I am not saying this is THE way to make a window, just a simple way to experience the basic cutting operation. Wall surfaces must be FLAT to work with the SketchUp cutting component method.
Hi, thanks for the info. and I have successfully solved the component editing problem. I actually did do a similar window cutting exercise as you described, it seems to be the double wall issues that I can’t solve. I have since learned that there are extensions and solid wall tools in the Pro version that would help facilitate this.
without solid tools you can create a “cutting shape” that is the same size as your window and place it so it passes through the double wall. Select everything and context click " intersect with model" then remove the unwanted pieces. Now place window in the opening.
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You could try this:
but it is better to start from scratch
Thnaks for that. I tried the same exercise with success. FWIW, I am trying to refer to tutorials before posting these questions. It’s the knowledge of commands such as intersect faces, etc. that I need to learn.
OK, whatever works !
Not sure in your curved wall scenario if the hole would be tapered or have parallel sides?
You could make a tapered cutting shape and copy it around from the center and do the same procedure for cutting the hole.
Wow, you make that look so easy! I will attempt that too, thanks for the cool gif. Another question, you pointed out the faces not meeting at the top of the cylinder. There are several geometry problems with this model that I am struggling with. There are two square volumes that intersect on either side that I deleted to make the file smaller to upload. I have rebuilt this model a few times correcting procedure as I learn them, ie. utilizing groups and components. But there are still some faces and edges that seem to be included in the other groups. I have tried to isolat the objects and assign them to the correct group, but still have problems.
2.pdf (846.1 KB)
A way in which it can be drawn could be something like that:
I did it much differently and it took much longer. Thanks so much for that tutorial. I wonder if I can just rebuild that object within the bigger model.
You’re welcome!
What object? What bigger model?
I was wondering if I could erase and remodel the circular form only as I have put a lot of time into the square forms already and would prefer not to remodel the whole project. In other words what would be the most efficient way to correct the geometry problems in the circular form.
The cuts would be parallel. I contemplated curved glass windows, but I flat ones will be cheaper in real life and I think will work fine in that radius. Good to know that I can create a tapered cutting shape for future reference.
I’ve already shown you two ways to solve it, it depends on you if you want to continue with what you have drawn up so far, or you’re going to take it from scratch, to make it easier to work.
Yes Mihai, I have watched your demonstrations closely and thank you for them. My question is, can I redraw just that portion from scratch within the existing overall model or should I rebuild everything.
Probably you can, but how easy you can do it depends on how you drew the entire 3D model. If the elements (walls, floors…) are correctly grouped together, it should be easier to work only on the round construction.
Yes I tried to group all elements separately, but I still have a few objects that overlap in other groups. My concern is when I redraw the circular form, the segments of the circle do not line up with the original circle segments even though the radius is exactly the same.
If you make the circle segments the same count as the original and have dragged them out on axis they should line up.
The 3D model of the house does not seem very complicated or big, so if the new elements do not match (correctly drawn), you will adapt the old elements to the new building.