I can’t seem to find the lozenge tool in my sketchUp anywhere. So I drew a rectangle and want to cut off the edges with a 2 point arc. I am very new to any drawing program. I got the one done fine, than the 2nd one didn’t mirror the size and shape. HELP!
After you’ve done the first one, you should be able to double click inside the other three corners and have them automatically get rounded at the same radius.
BTW, there is no lozenge tool in SketchuUp.
Thanks I’ll give it a try. This is why I thought there was, because it talks about it in their help section:
oh, geez, so sorry, yup missed that, .
So still trying. I make an arc around the end of the rectangle, and one time when i than picked eraser it erased the cut off, now it won’t nor can I get it to duplicate other end of rectangle. I was trying one corner at a time, but now I am trying to do each end, 2 corners in one arc. Any suggestions.
Try the following exactly as written.
- Get the Rectangle Tool.
- Draw a rectangle on the ground plane.
- Get the 2-Point Arc Tool.
- Click on one edge just a little way from the corner (maybe 1/4 of the way along toward the opposite edge).
- Move the cursor to the neighboring edge and move it along until the arc turns magenta.
- Double click to set the second end. The corner should be trimmed automatically.
- Now double click just inside each of the next three corners. Each should get the same radius and the corners should be cut off.
Thanks, but I keep trying and it does not work. I get the magenta and click and nothing happens. I move the mouse and it is trying to create another arc I think. I right click and click erase and the rest of the rectangle goes away and leaves the arc, not always exactly the way I had set it.
so tried again, but I have to after getting magenta line than move to midpoint & click again. Than right click, arc surface gets a bunch of dots (highlighted sketchup way I am guessing), click erase and than it went away. I picked the center point on short end of rectangle and by doing that 4x they all should be coming out the same. Be nice if there was a “repeat here” button or copy “entity” and maybe there is.
Locate the centre point on the short side of a rectangle with the arc tool. Slide it down the long side till you get the magenta arc, then double click. Double click the other 3 corners. Job done.
Check your private messages. Click on the K in the circle in the upper right corner of the screen.
That’s nice @brassovitski but more work than needs to be done.
Just for clarity, this should read, Double Click to …
It just confirms that in sketchup there are often several ways to solve a problem.
The tape measure method allows you to specify how far the curve goes on each side.
You’re quite right, there are always different ways. However using the method Dave shows is as accurate. Plus he is using the mid point inference and the magenta inference to make the ends of the rectangle equal semicircles.
You only need one measurement to get all four corners the same.
Measure one guide then use the magenta inference and a double click to get the fillet, then double click the corners to repeat.
just thought I’d let you know. I revisited this and the double click makes all the difference!
Double-click for repeat works for several tools. Probably the most useful is Push/Pull.
The “double-click inside the other three corners” tip is fantastic! I’ve always thought that there should be a simple way to do that, but hadn’t run across it. Thanks, Dave! And goodbye to guidelines, offsets, and all the other workarounds I’ve tried to accomplish the same thing.
You never did need to use guidelines etc…even without the double-click shortcut.
If for instance you wanted a rounded corner in the top left corner, but a simple bevel using the line tool in the other three, then after selecting the line tool you can hover over the side end-point of the new arc, then carefully drag the cursor to the right hand side. As long as that end point stays highlighted, you know that the start of the bevel is exactly opposite it. You can then use the same magenta cue to draw a perfect bevel with no need for lines, offsets or anything else.
Of course the price for all this inferencing black-magic is SU’s low tolerance of tons of geometry.