I’m relatively new to sketchup, again, and I’m trying to design a commercial desk.
The materials are 3/4" plywood with one type on laminate on one side, and another type on the other.
I’m wondering if there’s a way to create a material that has a core material, and then each side has it’s own material. Or would I have to draw out all 3 sides.
I’m trying to make a cutlist with the Steve R cutlist extension but it’s not panning out as I’d hope.
you can create a ‘combined’ texture that contains two ‘face’ materials, and an edge material, but you will need to position it on the appropriate faces…
You might create a material such as John describes, or you might paint the two outer faces and the edges of the panel with three separate materials. In either case, though, CutList will report the panel as being one material. In either case I’m not sure which material it will report.
If you want the three parts reported separately, you will need to model them as three separate components, one for each laminate and one for the core. You can nest them inside a containing component for the entire panel, and if you tell CutList to sort by subassembly it will gather them onto three sequential lines in the list.
Painting with separate materials indeed only shows up as one in cutlist as @slbaumgartner suggests (randomly by the looks)
However, in a production situation I suppose you don’t really want that laminate showing up as your not actually cutting it and it could throw out any sq footage/meter of material required if you use the spreadsheet that way.
I thought about making a material with the name “plywood, laminate a, laminate b” and assigning that but:
Obviously the difference wouldn’t show in model (if important) but will show in the cutlist
It wouldn’t be difficult to modify the results of the cutlist in the spreadsheet to show you what you need. You just need to use a bit of spreadsheet magic. You only care about the length and width of the laminate, right.
True Dave you absolutely right, only thing I thought was if he has a mixture of plywood types it would be tricky to label them up afterwards. (all depending on complexity of this model)
Apart from that yes, just re-label the material job done!
No need to re-label anything if they are labeled correctly to begin with. I find it’s usually worth thinking ahead a few steps to avoid having to redo stuff later or, if redos are needed, at least make the model easy to rework from the beginning.
Thanks for the tips. I think I’m gonna rework it and add the laminate in. Shouldn’t be too difficult and I had worked it all into separate components to begin with. I’m not too concerned with the sizes being out as I have a few inches of play.
@Chris_L, did you use components throughout your model?
One option for this as an “in model” method, if you’re going to make the separate components for the laminate is the following:
Open a component for editing.
Select each of the faces that would be laminated.
Hit Edit>Copy or the equivalent keyboard shortcut.
Triple click on the geometry of the panel and make it a component. This becomes your substrate plywood/MDF/termite ■■■■.
Hit Edit>Paste in place. This will paste the faces you copied in step 3 where they were copied from but outside the substrate component. Select each of those faces in turn and make each one a component. One would be laminate A, the other laminate B.
Paint the laminate faces different colors.
Close the component to exit edit mode.
The result will be a nested component containing components for the plywood and for the laminate. Add laminate to the sheet material word in CutList and they will get sort into the sheet section and because of the material assignment. You’ll be able to sort the list by material.
As another option, you could cut those laminated faces to the clipboard and paste them in place as above. The result would look better but you’d see right through the panels if the laminate faces aren’t present. I don’t think it would hurt anything in your case.
Not really. The cutlist reports the Component Definition Name. If you change it after creating the component, the cutlist will report with that new name.
You should , indeed, give components useful names. One of the downsides of using groups is they all get the same name. That makes a cutlist and Outliner virtually useless.
Thanks Dave, I edited last post to be correct with your information. Problem I had must have been not naming components in that case, however I always name them straight away (saves going back, especially with cutlist)
Yes I made all parts easily named components, each piece is a separate component and the full cab is another. And in case you were wondering, the main reason I want to make a cultist and layout is to cut all the parts on our Komo. That’s gonna save me at least a day of cutting