Customized Tool bars

This is a very basic queston but I can’t find an answer so far in the community, though I searched.
I use Sketchup 2018 Pro in Windows 10.

In Sketchup I can create new toolbars but I can’t find out how to add commands to them.
In Layout there is a Command tab but not in Sketchup

How do I do this?

Youtube search: SEEIT3D - Create a SketchUp Custom Toolbar

Thank you…that was very helpful
This informaition cannot be found in the Help Center as I see.

I also want to get the Camera Standard view Bottom out fråm den menu bar
and into a custom toolbar since it is not inluded in the original view tool bar.

Is that possible?

Not all of the information can be found in Help Center, but there is Google Search.

There is no icon for Camera > Standard Views > Bottom, but you can assign it a shortcut.

Thank you i will do that