Curic Face Array - Array objects along a face

If you enjoyed Curic Face Knife, you’ll love Curic Face Array. I’ve been working on this plugin for quite some time with many plans and even more features in mind. However, today, I’ve decided to release it now in support of a more significant cause:

  • Effortlessly distribute objects over a face
  • Powerful boundary-trimming
  • Flexible repetition rules with unlimited pattern combinations

You can get it here.

And I hope you like it!

Best regards,

Hai Vo


is there a trick to installing this? I have downloaded it but it will not appear in the extension manager

Downloaded it from where?
If not directly through the extension manager did you install it?

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Downloaded from the Curic website but it wasnt in the extension manager.
After reading the link you sent I hit the Install Extension button, opened it from there and it worked

Thank you very much

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