Creating curves from a number of points

Hello. It seems quote simple but I would like to join 5 points to create a smooth curve. Non of the arc tools appear to work for this as the points are all slightly different.

I ams till working from a 2021 version and an extension says it’s not supporting rbi files. So far I have managed without the need fro any extensions.

is there a way to achieve this without an extension?

thank you all.

I would use either FredoSpline or the Bezier Spline extension for that. Global Fit spline in the first or catmull spline in the second. Both are available from Sketchucation.

Half-breadths for the sheer of a 12 foot rowing skiff.

What do you mean an extension says … ?

Please update your forum profile. It says you are using SketchUp 2020.

Thanks for getting back Dave.

I have updated my profile.

So I downloaded on sketchucation. then went to extension manager and tried to install and then this message appears…can you help work around this?

Get the Sketchucation ExtensionStore tool and use it to install the extensions. You’ll also need LibFredo6 installed. Read the pages for the extensions. It clarifies all that. You’ll need the Sketchucation ExtensionStore for these extensions to work anyway.

thank you Dave. When I attempt to download extension store a similar message comes up about rbz files…how do I upload it into sketchup 2021?
When I searched for LibFredo6 it says only archived files exist and not to use the old versions…
any thoughts here?

You need to install the extension. Go into Extension Manager and click on the Install Extension button, navigate to where you saved the Sketchucation ExtensionStore tool, select it, and click Open. Once it is installed, quit and restart SketchUp to ensure it is completely loaded. Then click on the red button in its toolbar, sign in with your Sketchucation credentials and use the search feature in the UI to search.

Where were you searching? If you are looking directly at the Sketchucation PluginStore and search for LibFredo you’ll get something like this.

The first option is the one you’ll need.

And if you use the Sketchucation ExtensionStore tool in SketchUp, it’ll look like this:

Again, it’s the first one and you’ll click on the red button on the right to install it.

Using the Sketchucayion ExtensionStore to install extensions from Fredo6 and others allows the ExtensionStore tool to keep track of updates when they occur. It also can automatically install those extensions when you migrate to a new computer or new version of SketchUp.

FWIW, there was an extension with an available update. The red bell icon is the alert. Clicking on the red bell showed this:

If there’d been more than one extension with an update there would have been an Update All button so updating them could be done in a single click.

Thank you Dave, I still can’t install the extension as I get the message about not being able to handle rbi files…once I can get past this hurdle I can follow your next helpful steps…

That is truly odd. So far as I know, there is no such thing as an rbi file. So unless that is a secret creation of SketchUcation’s plugin store (perhaps to manage licensing?) I can’t guess what is generating that error! @TIG do you know anything about this?

apologies rbz!

What exactly do you do before that message pops up?

I’ve never before heard of an issue with the EM or Plugin Store loading an rbz file. I assume the problem is with installing the SketchUcation plugin store extension, not with installing Fredo’s extension once the store is in place? If so, the plugin store extension has to be downloaded as rbz from SketchUcation and then installed via the Extension Manager. Leave the rbz in your Downloads folder, don’t move it to the Plugins folder. Let the EM handle putting files in the right places.

Thank you,

Would there be any chance you could offer a step by step guide to uploading it which would help avoid this notification.

I drop the file onto my desktop and then try to install it with EM….

Then the notification happens….

There’s a step I’m obviously doing wrong?

Many thanks,

Paul Wills


I click on your link to extension store

I click download and it downloads in the top corner of my screen.

I open the download screen dn drag the icon onto my desktop

I go into my 2021 sketch model and open extension manager

Click install extension

Click and download the SkecthunationTool.rbz file

Then the message appears…

There’s no need to do that. Just select it from the Downloads folder.

This implies to me there’s an issue with your SketchUp installation. Maybe @slbaumgartner has some insight. He’s a Mac user. I’ve never heard of anyone else having this issue when installing extensions. I wonder if something is happening to the file when you drag it from Downloads to the Desktop.

What Mac OS version are you using?

ventura 13.6.7…I think im up to date?

Well, 13 is not the most recent. The most recent would be 15 but it’s probably good that you aren’t up to date on the OS, though. Even 13 was released after SketchUp 2021 so officially 2021 doesn’t support Ventura. It’s possible the problem you are seeing is related but I can’t say for sure.

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Ok, step by step:

  • Open a web browser. I use safari or chrome, but others ought to work too.
  • Copy and paste the following link into the browser search area
    Plugin Store Download | SketchUcation
  • Click the Download Now button
  • Wait for the download to complete. Unless you have configured your browser differently, the file will go into the Downloads folder in your home folder. There is no need or reason to move it from there
  • Launch SketchUp
  • Open the Extension Manager
  • Click the Install Extension button at the bottom of the EM window. A finder-like window will open
  • If it not there already, navigate the window to your Downloads folder
  • Select the SketchUcationTools.rbz file
  • Click the Open button at the bottom
  • Wait for it to install, then quit and restart SketchUp

If you still get that error, the only idea I have is that there is something wrong with your installation of SketchUp or with your download of the rbz (leaving you with a defective file). If you still have the installer dmg, reopen it and reinstall SketchUp. That won’t affect any of your installed plugins or other settings.

Excellent step by step but sadly I have the same Unable to handle rbi files come up.

how do I know if I have the dmg file and will I loose my models if I reinstall?

thank you