I use Sketchup Pro on Mac (OS Catalina) to do my landscape architecture design. I want to be able to do a simple 2D planting plan, akin to a CAD version. Is there some software that can take my 3D model and allow me to create a planting plan with areas for listing plants and sizes and numbered circles for each? Something I could hand the contractor and he could do the entire job without me? Something like this:
Seems like a thing you would do with LayOut using plan views of the planting model from SketchUp.
yes, you would think but I can’t find any tutorial on the web for it. Have searched before and nothing.
Have you tried this as a starting point?
Hi @kipwood - My background is landscape architecture as well and I’ve been looking for solutions that reduce the dependency on CAD, similar to your request above. Here is an example where I embeded CAD symbols inside of a SketchUp plant component…laid out my planting plan…then set up a scene with a plan view for export and annotation in LayOut. Since I don’t do planting plans professionally anymore, I haven’t been able to test the practicality of the process but in theory, I think it’s sound.
Let me know if you have any questions about the process.
Alternatively, if you have CAD you can look into something like LandFX that has an integration plugin to go back and forth between the two programs.
*Edit: just wanted to followup about plant take offs/quantities. Two easy ways to do this - assuming the plant components have been named properly of course.
Use Selection Toys extension to select all of the same component instances and then add a text callout inside of SketchUp (can be done in LayOut as well).
Use the Generate Report function to export all the quantities to spreadsheet that can be shared with contractor or added to LayOut Plant legend. LayOut is great as is links to an Excel so you can update your planting plan/quantities report any time and it will stay current in LayOut.
this seems like a really interesting process - do you create the plants as components and add the 2d graphic in with it, but place the 2d part on a seperate layer so its easy to hide/unhide? Mega new to sketchup but used to creo and autocad…
That would be the most sensible workflow. Note that the 3D part should also have a layer tag for the same reason.
Yes. I import or draw a CAD symbol for the planting plan. Then within that symbol component, I can add either a 2D tree, render tree, or both. On their respective tags of course. There are some developers who have or are attempting to standardize / automate this process. It’s a bit time consuming from scratch but if you have a ‘go to’ plant palette then start there and add to it as time goes on.
Hello Eric. Could you share the model I see on the screenshot? I trying to get back to design after a work accident and your components would help me greatly as my hands aren’t 100% for me to draw from scratch. I love your workflow and I will try to use it to the best of my current limitations.
@guerra.ajc - Which screenshot were you referring to in my replies above? The one with all the plant symbols laid out in plan view is from an old work project so can’t be shared. The process however can be easily replicated based on the plants you want to use in your designs.
I recommend you start by downloading some 2D plant symbols such as these - keep in mind some free CAD resources you find online prohibit using their symbols for commercial purposes and may also prohibit re-distributing… so make sure to read the fine print so you are not in violation of their terms and conditions.
Second, see attached sample model I created to get you started. As long as you combine your inner tree components together and organize your tags the same way as I have here, you can create as many different symbols as you want and they all should function the same. Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.
Tree_Birch_Example.skp (574.1 KB)
3D Tree Credit to Michael Bech
2D Tree Credit to Daniel Tal
Thank you so much. I will dive into it.