I’m a beginner with Ruby scripting for SketchUp. I’m working on a script that draws two circles from selected guide points and extrudes the smaller circle. So far, the script is able to create both circles, but I run into an issue when trying to extrude the inner circle.
Here’s the script:
module GuidePointsToCircles
def self.create_circles_from_guides
model = Sketchup.active_model
selection = model.selection
model.start_operation("Create Circles from Guide Points", true)
guide_points = selection.grep(Sketchup::ConstructionPoint)
if guide_points.empty?
UI.messagebox("No guidepoints have been selected! Please select guidepoints and start again.")
radius_1 = 5.cm
radius_2 = 2.5.cm
normal = [0, 0, 1]
entities = guide_points.first.parent.entities
positions = guide_points.map(&:position)
positions.each do |center|
entities.add_circle(center, normal, radius_1, 24)
entities.add_circle(center, normal, radius_2, 24)
I then attempt to extrude the second circle with:
face = entities.add_face(circle)
But I get the following error message:
<NoMethodError: undefined method `pushpull’ for nil:NilClass>
Does anyone know why I can’t extrude the second circle? Any suggestions on how to fix this?
You missed to add reference to that circle
The add_circle method is returns an Array object containing edges.
This array of edges need to be passed to add_face method as parameter. So you can pushpull that face which returned by add_face method.
circle = entities.add_circle(center, normal, radius_2, 24)
face = entities.add_face(circle)
Works on the Ruby Console for me too. That leaves the mystery of what is wrong with how you were previously launching it. You never said exactly what you did or what code editor you were using.
Best practice with the Entities factory methods are to always check the return value for “truthiness” as nil will be returned if the geometry creation fails.
You could have a clause in a conditional expression that attempts to recover gracefully or notify the user that the face creation failed.
You could also just have the minimum “truthy” check that would prevent the exception, thus:
face.pushpull(1.cm) if face
Or … using Ruby’s safe navigation operator (&.):
The &. operator will not call the method if the receiver object is nil. (Beware it will call the method if the receiver is false and raise an exception if the method is unknown to the singleton instance of FalseClass.)