Hello Sketchup Folks,
I wanted to create an illustration of a simple neural network and I wrote this script to try to accomplish it.
module Network
def self.make_circle_face(entities, circle_edges)
pts = []
circle_edges.each { |e|
pts << e.vertices[0]
face = entities.add_face(pts)
return face
def self.make_circle(entities, point, radius)
# make a circle face at the point with the given radius
normal = [0,0,point[2]+1]
circ = entities.add_circle(point, normal, radius)
circ_face = self.make_circle_face(ents, circ)
return circ_face
def self.draw_layer(num_pts_per_side, spacing, width, z, pipe_radius)
# draw a flat layer and calculate the position of the nodes
model = Sketchup.active_model
entities = model.entities
layer_group = entities.add_group
face = layer_group.entities.add_face [0,0,z],[width,0,z],[width,width,z],[0,width,z]
nodes = []
(0..num_pts_per_side-1).each { |i|
(0..num_pts_per_side-1).each { |j|
center = [spacing + i*spacing, spacing + j*spacing, z]
normal = [0,0,z+1]
nodes << Geom::Point3d.new(center)
} # j
} # i
return layer_group, nodes
end # method draw_layer
def self.get_NWSE(nodes, num_pts_per_side, index)
# using index into array of nodes,
# determine if points N,S,E,or W of it are nodes that exist
# indexes go up y axis first, then x, e.g.
# 2 5 8
# 1 4 7
# 0 3 6
total = nodes.size
i = index
north = south = east = west = nil
if ((i+1) % num_pts_per_side) != 0
north = nodes[i+1]
if (i % num_pts_per_side) !=0
south = nodes[i-1]
if i < (total-num_pts_per_side)
east = nodes[i+num_pts_per_side]
if i >= num_pts_per_side
west = nodes[i-num_pts_per_side]
return [north, west, south, east]
end # method get_NWSE
def self.draw_connector(entities, start_point, end_point, radius, make_thick)
if end_point
# draw a line, then if thickness is desired, use followme to create a thicker line
path = entities.add_line(start_point, end_point)
if make_thick
circ_face = self.make_circle(entities, start_point, radius)
def self.draw(num_pts_per_side, spacing, width, num_layers, layer_separation, radius)
# draw the network
model = Sketchup.active_model
entities = model.entities
# draw the layers
limit = num_layers * layer_separation
layers = []
(0..limit-1).step(layer_separation).each { |z|
layer_group, nodes = self.draw_layer(num_pts_per_side, spacing, width, z, radius)
results = [layer_group, nodes]
layers << results
# draw node connectors
(0..num_layers-2).each { |z|
layer1, nodes1 = layers[z]
layer2, nodes2 = layers[z+1]
entities = layer1.entities
nodes1.each_with_index { |point, index|
# draw a line to the point just above
self.draw_connector(entities, point, nodes2[index], radius, FALSE)
# draw lines to NSEW above if possible
north,west,south,east = self.get_NWSE(nodes2, num_pts_per_side, index)
self.draw_connector(entities, point, north, radius, FALSE)
self.draw_connector(entities, point, south, radius, FALSE)
self.draw_connector(entities, point, east, radius, FALSE)
self.draw_connector(entities, point, west, radius, FALSE)
end #method draw
end # module
num_pts_per_side = 4.0 # number of holes per side
width = 10.0
num_layers = 2
layer_separation = 5
connector_radius = 0.1
spacing = width/(num_pts_per_side+1).to_f
Network.draw(num_pts_per_side, spacing, width, num_layers, layer_separation, connector_radius)
In the script I create two layers with nodes and draw lines between the layers, connecting every possible node from the bottom layer to the top so that each node connects to the one above and then the north, south, east and west neighbors if possible.
So far so good, but I would like to colorize the connectors, so I decided to create a small circle and use follow me along the connection so the line could be colored. This works fine if I only choose one of north, south, east or west.
network connected directly above, no problem
network connected to north nodes, ok so far
But as soon as I try to thicken the connections for more than one direction this strange error results. I have no idea why.
strange error
I’ve tried all combinations of north, south, east and west, and any two pairs of directions result in this weird result
Thank you for any clues