Create a Repository for all 3D Basecamp Videos

I’m sure that many users would appreciate having all relevant videos from each of the previous 3D Basecamps in a single easy to reference location. This could prove to be a significant resource for those not having attended these annual experiences. Much of the information provided in these videos is not provided as standalone content in other locations and a degree of effort is required to access all of the Basecamp vids as they exist currently. So how about it SketchUp Team?.

Are they hosted somewhere* where they can be boxed in a iframe but “fired” from a left margin nav list ?

  • like YouTube, etc.

I think that they all appear on YouTube, but they are not organized into a particular grouping.

Well then we could actually do this here as a wiki I think.

We could have several link lists, each organized a different way.

  • chronological by year & camp day
  • by SU/LO, then by subject, and sub-category
  • etc.

Is this something that you could implement? If so, how much time would it take to do it?

A list is here Resources. The websites are still up and some sessions had downloadable material. There were no session videos in 2012 (reflecting a post-Google budget).