Create a complicated 3d object - hire it out?

HI! I am an interior design and I use SketchUp for Architectural/Interior Design drawing & Modeling. I have been doing a Conceptual Design of column structure for the front of a building facade. At the top of the column is a Rosette within a square - it is made up of Scrolls & Oak Leaves. I just have a image of what the client wants and haven’t the slightest idea of how to begin. I’m not sure it is worth my time and energy to learn as it is out of my wheelhouse of expertise. I have been asked to create a 3D file in which they can cut into Limestone using a CNC machine. Is there anyone interested in being paid to create such a file out in the SketchUp community? Respond and we can share contact information. I’d like to see examples of your work and if it has been actually “printed”. Thank you for your consideration!

Dear Patti -

Thank you. I have sent you a private Sketchup forum message.
If you have not recieved it, please reply in this public thread.

Please provide the email address in which I would send you information.
I did send out some information but I’ve gotten no reply.
Please advise
Thank you,

Hi Patti. I have this sort of experience. PM me with your info if you still need this done, and I will respond with some of my work for you to check out.

Dear Patti -

We responded to your request two weeks ago via a private forum message. It contains all the information you need, including our contact details how to get in touch with us via email and phone. Simply click your forum profile’s circular image to reread your messages.

We do business via private channels such as email and phone - not on public forums.

If you are intestered and serious, simply send a new private email any of the email adresses I have provided, and include your complete contact details.

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Hi Douglas
Sorry, I’m not sure how to PM you - is there someone I can access an email address for you in which to send you information?

Please advise.

Thank you,

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On this board, navigate to your messages like this:
1 Click on your icon in the upper for a drop down menu
2 Click on your name to go to your page
3 Click on the Messages section to see your private messages

Outside the forum, you could go to the contact page of @Matheron’s website and contact them that way:

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@RTCool -

Thank you, very kind.

Patti has now contacted us through our company email.