Corrupted SKP/SKB file

So, I couldn’t restore a previous version of this file I’m working on, so I did a system restore to get it back. Unfortunately now, though it gives me a “unsupported file format” or “not a valid sketchup file/object.” Is there any way I can get this restored? I have a current version of it from yesterday but I had deleted stuff on this version I need to get back / reset.

Can you make the link allow access?

For sure

If you have a case where there was a crash, and you want to use the autosave file, you would normally rename the file, so it’s clear that it is now your real working file. Having a name of AutoSave_AutoSave_AutoSave_kdfw_fsxp3d_1.skp suggests that at least three times there was a bad crash, and the autosave file was used as the new working file, without any renaming.

Unfortunately, I quickly found out I can’t rescue the file, and that it is more than 99.99% emptiness. You can do a test for yourself, zip compress the 1.3 GB file, and it comes down to 2 MB.

Look for other copies of the file, and find one that when it is a zip file, the file has a plausible size to it.

At this point you might also consider starting over. If your file is mostly empty as Colin says, it probably indicates you weren’t using components effectively. If you look at other cases in which Colin has attempted file recovery, he nearly always recovers components but nothing else is recoverable.

For your amusement, I did look at the file with a hex editor. It is literally empty, not even the header information is there. The first non-zero byte is 1,377,095,680 after the start of the file.

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So starting over is most likely the best option in this case. As a hobbyist, the OP might take the opportunity to learn a bit more about using Sketchup and how to make efficient models.

I have another version that is most recent, I had deleted half the terminal so it’s not all ruined but i had discovered some stuff. Oh well. That’s okay. It won’t be hard to fix. Thanks for the help. I’ll keep trying to find the other version just in case but if not no worries

Hi, colin,
I have been facing this issue (i.e., Unexpected file format), please help me to get rid of it.
The files are very small and attached herewith.
Thank you.
1.skp (8.5 MB)

Hi, colin,
I have been facing this issue (i.e., Unexpected file format), please help me to get rid of it.
The files are very small and attached herewith.

I am on a plane at the moment. If you upload the file somewhere and give the link in your next post, I can look at it when I get home.


Here is a screenshot of the first part of your file. The whole file is filled with FF values, and so isn’t any kind of file, let alone a SketchUp one. Look in the same folder to see if there a a file with the same name, but that ends with .skb instead of .skp.

They’re all Capitals, maybe Caps lock is enabled😃

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My SKP file won’t open it says it’s not valid, please help!

Can you change the link so that we can have access to the file?

Done, try now

One component named “RAZ281”. had problems, and is removed now. The rest of the model was ok:

Wow! Many thanks! Is there special instrument to inspect such components problems?