What causes the nested components within a dynamic component to display global coordinates. I try to enter global. It shows wrong. The entry value and display do not tally. Something is a miss. From the help I understand that parent and child components
are to allow entry and display only local coordinates. I tried this a few time. Even with a new file.
If you are inside the parent component the children display global coordinates. You have to look at them from the parent nesting level.
I managed to figure it out, except this.
how does it measure to be 110 cm and not the 105 cm that it shows by measure. It also is set as data that cannot be edited.
Hand Rail2.skp (286.5 KB)
Maybe this bug…?
Tried deleting the Lenx attribute and refreshing. It does not work. This is a 2021 Pro file. Please try with a more later version to see if the bug has been resolved?
No the bug has not and will not likely ever be fixed, Dynamic Components has never received an update since it was released. It’s the _lenx_nominal attribute you must delete via a Ruby script, not LenX that needs to be deleted, and then redraw the component by right click menu.
Another approach would be to open the component for editing and correct the geometry manually. Once you click back out it should be OK, sorry too busy to download and try right this second… If it’s not that perhaps @pcmoor can help?
I have not tried Ruby script. Perhaps will, when I know better. I tried to run it off the console.
s own.
There are other issues which I notice too. I wish Sketchup used an interface like Google Sheets rather than having one on it
What is that prevents me from entering a data into this field?
I enter 500 and press enter. It keeps showing the 110. The display stretches by the Lenx value. Even though the child components are defined by dimensions. The parent component input changes the vertical component shape. I expect it should not. Only the horizontal component should change in Lenx.
Various other inconsistencies were noticed. It must be either a pre-existing bug or an application corruption. In either case it will not be supported.
You need an = sign, =500 and hit tab or enter. I suggest some reading to help understand how the DC extension works:
and Justin has some great how to videos:
Thanks rwamoore.
the need for an ‘=’ sign for entry to a field may be a work around. as I see it accepts without an ‘=’ sign at other places. I would think, it is like, it works most of the time like Excel or Google sheet, at other times if it does not, use ‘=’?
Yes, I have been watching Jim’s and Aaron’s fence videos on dynamic. components. They seem to be doing it without issue. I am getting stuck. Shall try to watch them again. I was struggling to get the component to make it repeat. Now I caught what makes the =copy*length work. I am beginning to get the hang of it. It is indeed slow with nitty gritties. Thanks again.