Convert the whole object to solid

Hi, Can anyone help me in coverting the whole object in my sketchup file to solid?

Homoto-revised.skp (82.1 KB)

I want to 3dprint the object, so I need solid walls and other stuff, basically the whole object I need has to be solid. Please, I need urgent help. I don’t know 3d modelling that is why I ran into this trouble.

A quick section of the object shows no wall thickness in part, plus there is surfaces that require deleting

Assume wall thickness is consistent, copy and extrude to suit

as I can not determine whether this a homework project or not, I will add the amended file in a few days

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Hi, thanks for your fast reply… I tried again to create solid object… Please find the attached file and let me know if it is proper. Thanks once again.Untitled.skp (93.0 KB)

Seems OK.

You might find Thomthom’s Solid Inspector plugin useful.

Though Solid Inspector 2 says it is all ok, I find that you still have some internal surfaces that divide the object into multiple separate parts and might cause issues with 3D printer software:

You haven’t described how you are going about creating this model. Since it has circular symmetry, I’d draw a half cross section and use follow-me to extrude it around a circular path.

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