Convert EPS to SKP

Hi There,

I am a casual user, therefor using the make version.
Is there a way to create a skp from an eps other then becoming a pro user?
I would like to create a cut-out in a stainless steel plate.
The link below contains the logo.

Will this do?TriumphLogo-fromEPS.skp (104.9 KB)

I can not view it now…am on the road currently
Did you convert it? If so that is really very kind!!!

I will have a look at it first thing tonight.

Kind regards

There are no doubt several ways to do what you need. My method: I imported your EPS file into Corel Draw! and from there, exported it as a DXF, which I imported into SU.

Just got home and took a look.
Thanks again for the kind support!!

I did convert it to DXF but the Sketcup Make (Free version) does not import that.
At least…If it should be albe to do that then I could not find it.

I think with a bigger BMP you could do something like this, not sure if there will be a big difference.

EPS (for Encapsulated Post Script) is a vector format file. Developed and most frequently used in the graphics industry to describe such things as fonts, logos, and so on, it is a very accurate way to define an outline such as Castellum is after. It is also easily converted to .dxf, another vector format specially designed for CAD programs, such as SketchUp. I don’t know of a direct way to import EPS into SU, but there is no loss going from EPS to DXF and then to SKP. (Except curves, which in DXF and EPS are true curves, but are only approximated in SU, at least in the display thereof.)

the Make version is for a non-commercial use by e.g. hobbyists and therefore doesn’t contain functions as e.g. the vector-based data exchange filters mostly required by professional users… there obviously needs to be some functional differentation for justifying to shell out 695.- bucks (net) by SU Pro licensees… btw subsidizing the Make version.

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