Contact for a Legal Review

I am trying to get my district to approve the use of Sketchup for Education. We use the G Suite for Education, but since Trimble is asking for personally identifying information, they are requiring a legal review. Is there someone at Trimble who can help me complete this process? I will need these items to initiate the review.

  1. Vendor’s Terms of Use
  2. Vendor’s Privacy Statement
  3. Vendor’s User License information/agreement if not stated in the Terms of Use - such as per seat, per student, concurrent, annual renewal, expiration, etc.
  4. Vendor’s Evidence of Cyber Insurance for All 3rd Parties that Hold Student Data - you will need to contact the vendor for this
  5. PBSD 2220 Student Data Addendum form - (filled out and signed by you and the vendor, don’t forget to answer question #1)

Does anyone know who I can contact to get the Evidence of Cyber Insurance and someone I can have sign the Student Data Addendum form?


I also need this information!

The forum is really a community of mostly users helping users. (Although some staff also answer questions.) SketchUp staff have never been allowed to publicly post legal opinions.

I suggest you both directly contact SketchUp sales.