Components are no longer sorted alphabetically (online version)

As of a few weeks ago, components have stopped sorting alphabetically and now I think are chronological.
Over the last year I have created probably 100+ components, and have given them alphabetical prefixes to put them in sections.
However, now with them in chronological order, it is almost impossible to find one that you created a while ago. You know the section and probably the name, but the list appears just jumbled since it is based on when the component was created. This is almost meaningless apart from ones you just created in the last few days. Once from months ago just appear to be jumbled.

So I’m barely able to use components any more.

Anybody else prefer the alphabetical sorting?

Any chance that this could be reinstated? (I’m not after a choice, just the way that I and probably others have got used to)

Not a new thing. See here

Thanks Guido for the quick reply.

I’m using the online version, and components have always been sorted. At least for the last 18 months.

It’s just that a few weeks ago that changed.

So my point is, could it be put back to how it was?

Feedback taken. Will discuss with the team.


Thank you so much for the reply.

I have been using SketchUp for several years and love the product. I only just joined the forum, so it is really reassuring to know that someone reads the posts and takes them seriously.

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