"Component string" in JHS PowerBar Extension


I just downloaded JHS PowerBar but can’t find “Component String” icon.

I need it to edit “Copy along path”.


Did you mean Component Stringer? I can find articles that list useful extensions, and JHS PowerBar and Component Stringer are listed separately. Was Component Stringer ever part of JHS PowerBar?

That aside, as you can set the number of nodes when doing Copy Along Path, what would Component Stringer add?

Hi Colin,

I meant “Component String” which its icon located next to icon “Copy along path” in JHS PowerBar.

Actually, I created copy of objects (Cylinders) along curved path (Helix), but the result was not as I expected e.g. Position of cylinders are reversed (see image 1), centre of cylinders are not in line with curved path (see Image 2).

After searching in youtube, I found it could be edited with “Component String”.

Yes, I can set a distance between cylinders.


You need to set the axis of the component correctly.

I see from old versions that there should be a configure screen. I don’t see where to open that, but I see there is jhs_pb_settings.txt in here:

%AppData%\SketchUp\SketchUp 2020\SketchUp\Plugins\JHS_jhs_powerbar

I guess that would be here for you:

%AppData%\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\SketchUp\Plugins\JHS_jhs_powerbar

Number 17 in that list is set to false, setting it to true brings the tool back.

Per the instructions at Sketchucation:

Screenshot - 7_12_2020 , 8_03_46 PM

Thanks for that. I had seen such a graphic, but out of habit my mind saw it as being on the Extensions menu, not the Help menu.

Hi Guys,

Thank you for all information provided
