Come posso distribuire le licenze a tutti i client?

Ciao a tutti, non riesco a capire come distribuire le licenze in rete, ho installato SketchUp Pro 2016 su una macchina virtuale. La domanda è come condividere? Chiedo questo perché non c’è più il file server.dat quindi non so come comportarmi. Sarà che dovrei inserire su ogni macchina la licenza per l’utilizzo del SW?

Grazie e buona giornata


single user workstation licences or network license?

if network license you may want distribute the license information to your local program installations by using an appropriate “activation_info.txt” file… does maybe work with workstation licences too.

Virtualized Environments

[quote]At this time, SketchUp doesn’t support operation in a virtualized environments such as VMWare or Citrix.
Per the SketchUp Pro Terms of Service: You may not use or host the Software in a virtual server environment.[/quote]

btw, writing to an international forum in English language using English too will significantly increase the amount of possible supporters and therefore answers.