This is probably a problem with my .dwg file but I carefully united/merged all paths of an illustrator image but when I select the entire image and use the “Makes Faces” tool, only a tiny disconnected part of the image works. The entire main body of the sailfish should not have any openings and yet the “Makes Faces” tool does not work on it.
Are really skinny parts of a .dwg image considered to be “open” by Sketchup? Like the skinny nose of the fish for example, could that be the issue? I don’t want to change the image so will scaling it up even bigger help?
Oh yeah, great idea. I didn’t realize I could attach the file.
here is my .dmg file.
I couldn’t find a gap myself but I’m not very experienced with illustrator. I worked hard on trying to find out how to get rid of all the different paths and anchors so I united the entire Vector. (even though there are two parts technically)
Is it against the rules if I offer a Pay Pal beer buy to anyone who can fix my .dwg ? sailfishblack.dwg (60.5 KB)
Here you go, looks like you were simply in the wrong context. I exploded the two individual groups welded the edges and created the faces. Sailfish.skp (277.6 KB)
Thank you, Box. By wrong context, what does that mean? Just wondering so next time I create .dwg file from illustrator and need to import into Sketchup I can try to do it correctly like you.
I did read that when people import .dwg files into Sketchup that they should both be in the same measurement increments or Sketchup will not see closed edges of the .dwg file. Is that what you mean by context?
A “context” is a niche in the hierarchical structure of a model. It is the place within that structure that a particular object is located or contained.
Most contexts consist of the stuff inside of a group or component. By “stuff,” I mean either raw geometry, such as edges and faces, or other groups and/or components. There is also a context outside the confines of any group or component, namely, the top-level model context, which is the context that is active when the model is opened, and which contains everything else.
When “you” (the camera, actually) are “in” a particlar context, you have access to the objects it contains (and when you’re not you don’t), and you can edit them to the extent they can be edited. You can add, modify, or remove raw geometry (or make a mess of it), and you can add or remove other sub-groups. You “enter” the editing context of a group by double-clicking it, or right-click > Edit Group/Component. You exit by clicking outside the group or right-click > Close Group/Component.
For two or more elements of raw geometry to interact with each other–to cut each other or stick together to form more complex shapes–they must be in the same context.
@Gully_Foyle has explained it beautifully but here is a bit of a visual for you.
The trick is to watch for a group/component bounding box, this is the blue ‘frame’ that essentially shows you there is a closed container there and you need to get inside it to edit it. You can double click it or right click and select ‘Edit component’ to get in. Once in there you can work with the contents in the correct context.
So as you can see here, the import brought in a nested component, meaning the small fin was in a container and in that container was another container with the main body of the fish. So first double click let me edit the small fin, then another double click opened the second container to get to the main fish. The model I posted earlier I simply exploded both components to remove those containers so all the geometry ended up in the same context.