Click-Window 3D - New Plugin!

Hello to all :slight_smile:

We are pleased to announce the official release of the new Plugin Click-Window 3D.

To download the free trial version, please visit this PAGE.

But above all, here is a video presentation of this tool:


The goal of Click-Window 3D is to offer an intuitive, flexible and productive windows design tool.

There is no longer a need to adapt the fixed windows of the 3D Warehouse, nor to create templates manually!

With a few clicks, create all types of 3D windows customized with a high level of detail.

Click Window 3D is International

To provide a useful tool globally, there are two versions of the plugin!

We offer both the Metric and Imperial systems.

The window models proposed by Click-Window 3D are designed using real commercial products popular around the world.

French window: Popular in Europe and other continents.

Sliding window: Popular all over the world.

Slash window: Popular in USA, Canadas, England, Netherlands etc 
 And all other British colonies.

Crank window: Popular in cold countries as it offers the best thermal insulation.

Panoramic window: Popular around the world and widely used in corporate offices.


If you do not know how to install Click-Window 3D in SketchUp, watch this video:

After installation:

  1. Import and insert the Control Panel by clicking on the icon « START » on the Click-Window 3D Toolbar.

  2. Select the icon « Interact with Dynamic Components » which is available on the toolbar,« Dynamic Components ».

  3. You can now click on the thumbnails of the « Control Panel » to define the settings of your future Windows.

  4. Import your 3D Window, with a drag and a click.

  5. Wait just a few seconds as the program loads


You will notice that the window followed to the letter your settings.


There is a single golden rule to remember!

Never change a 3D window without the Control Panel open.

This could lead to an unexpected shutdown of SketchUp.

Who can use Click-Window 3D?

If you are a user of 3D, and you often realize interior projects, this tool can be very useful!

Whichever software you use, all models created with Click-Window 3D can be exported from SketchUp.

You can then import them to your favorite software and take full advantage of 3D models.

User Rights and Copyright.

The distribution of our tools or provided 3D models is strictly prohibited.
Only through a private network, working with stakeholders on a common project, is sharing of 3D windows allowed.


Does our work satisfy you? Would you like to encourage us?

Leaving a positive comment on this page would be highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Thanking you!

Thank you to all users of Click-kitchen, which allowed us to continue development for SketchUp.

And a big thanks to Trimbel, for helping young developers to become visible with the Warehouse extensions.

We wish to all a wonderful discovery of our program Click-Window 3D.


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I’m trying the free version and can’t make much sense out of it.

The first icon in the toolbar is called “add Resources” which doesn’t make much sense. It seems to show the information that in most software is accessed from something called “About ” and have somewhere in the end of the menu.

The fist time I placed a window Sketchup froze and needed to be restarted.

At the next attempt I managed to place a window and find the settings for the window. It seems to all be based on dynamic components so I don’t know what the plugin actually does that is different from just placing an old fashioned dynamic component into the model.

There’s also a warning text saying “Warning ! Never use this window without the presence of the control panel on
your scene.” but there is nothing in Sketchup that is called “control panel” and I have no idea what this has to do with scenes. What does even use mean in this context?

The Component Options are in both English and French at the same time which means the dialog is very cluttered and the option you are interested in is hard to find.

I also tried resizing the Component Option dialog to better fit my screen when having the “add Resources” thingy selected and the text formatting went out the window. Instead of actual line breaks it relies on white or transparent dashes to fill out rows to a very specific length.

I’m sorry but I’ll uninstall this plugin right away after my first try.

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Hello, eneroth3

Thank you for your interest in Click-Window 3D.

Have you installed V-Ray in SketchUp?

Because V-Ray is not compatible with Click-Window 3D!

The first icon “START” Imports the “Control Panel” on your stage.

Without it, you will not be able to operate the 3D models Click-Window.

The instructions for use is explained in the video PUB and our descriptive text.

It is important to take a few seconds to understand and follow our instructions so that everything works. :wink:

Is this option window that you seem hard to read?

If so, we take your remarks into account and if other users have the same thought, we will do an update.

This window is for information only and has no ainsidence on the proper functioning of the plugin!

Avoid resizing, and the text will then be at the right place. :wink:

Here, a series of videos that I recommend everyone to follow in order to master in no time Click-Window 3D:

Tutorial 01 - Installation of Click-Window 3D in Sketchup.

Tutorial 02 - Presentation Toolbar Click-Window 3D.

Tuto 03 - Beginner’s tips!

Tuto 04 - Panel Control & Sliding Window.

Tuto 05 - Two Methods to Change your 3D windows.

See more videos >

In advance, thank you for all your comments.


David Barros

So this only works with V-ray.
If that is the case you should tell people.

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Hello Box,

It’s the opposite, VRay is not compatible with Click-Window 3D.


David Barros

Ok, but that isn’t very clear in your previous post. You simply asked the question ‘Have you installed V-ray?’ without any explanation that it might be incompatible. I reads as if you need to have it installed.

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Is this because VRay is doing anything it shouldn’t, such as modifying the base classes or default libraries, or is it because Click-Window 3D is badly made? I don’t have VRay installed but a lot of people do. I find it quite unlikely that there is a clash caused by an error in such a popular plugin as VRay that hasn’t yet been found and fixed. If the error was in the VRay code it would probably have caused a clash already with numerous other plugins.

If there is something wrong with Click Window 3D that makes it impossible for people to use it while having VRay installed there should at least be a BIG warning message about it. Even better would be to not have it published online (except as a beta version maybe) until the clash is fixed. I’m sorry but I really can’t see how you expect people to pay money for something as half-baked as this plugin in its current state.

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Box thank you, we will edit our text to be clearer about this.

Your comment is offensive and deceitful!

I do not understand how such a comment can be validated.

Before advancing misconceptions, be certain to what you say!

Click-Window 3D and designed solely with " Dynamic Components " and can not be responsible for the conflict with V-Ray.

V-Ray does not support texture " Dynamic ", which are applied on the " Group " or " Component " instead of faces.

Because of this, V-Ray starts to load and can significantly slow down SketchUp.

We have already warned the developers of V-Ray, and we affirm it the correction of this error in their next releases.

We invite our customers to use a different rendering engines, such as " Render In ", for example, which works very well with Click-Window 3D and offer beautiful rendered.

Do not care for us! The launch of Click-Window 3D is a true susscĂšs and we have many positive feedback from our customers.


David Barros


Your extension is certainly not traditional (Using a dynamic component as a control panel).

Quite frankly editing your windows is very difficult even for advanced users. Not to mention keeping track of the control panel while navigating the model.
Your windows also don’t cut openings.

Why not use a Web Dialog like most other extensions do? Using dynamic components at the advanced level you are at, is very slow. I started out using dynamic components but soon realized the limitations. It’s much better/faster the redraw the components yourself, using ruby code. 0.05 seconds instead of 1.15 seconds.

Probably the most important reason not to base your extension on dynamic components is because anyone can copy or modify it to please themselves. With ruby code you can prevent that.

Don’t be offended
 this is intended to make a point. You obviously spent a lot of time on this extension.

This video should show you what I mean.

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The Control Panel is a trademark of our products and simultaneously offers many advantages.

  • Operation is simple thanks to the images.
  • No need to have an internet connection to use it.
  • It does not clutter your screen.
  • The 3D models are secure thanks to him.

Click Window 3D editing features windows with a standard dialog box!

Just use the " Mode 2 ".

We create the " Mode 2 ", for those who do not like the system proposed by the Control Panel.

So I think that you are concerned. :wink:

The Dynamic Components offer 3D models of a very superior quality at Ruby code.

How you want to model detailed hardware stores in Ruby?

It is true that the loading time is longer than Ruby, but 1.15 second load is nothing compared to 2 hours of manual modeling.

Provide a tool which traces 2 rectangles with holes to represent a window, has no intert for users.
Click-Window offers 3D models of high quality to meet the professional requirements.

Thank you to want to make the point. :slight_smile:
Your comments are thoughtful and allow us to provide additional information on " Click- Window 3D ".

Criticism or encouragement are always positive to evolve.

Thanks Neil_Burkholder, for your intervention.


Beautiful Plugin with great quality 3D Windows.

Everything works very well and your video are really very well explained.

We bought the Pro version and we are really very satisfied.

Congratulations for this new Plugin.
