I frequently need to change the length and dimensions of solids while they are on pitch.
For example, I have a 3x10 rafter at a 6/12 pitch.
If I scale the rafter it changes pitch as the length is altered,
If I explode the solid, it will only Push/Pull the end on the X/Y axis.
There are a number of factors about your methodology that could affect the answer, but none of them have to do with solids. I don’t think you really even need solids to depict framing members.
I think what is more salient is whether or not the rafters are groups or components, and if components, is the one whose length you want to change one of some number of instances previously intended to be identical? Are you scaling instances of a single 3x10 component to various lengths from outside the component’s context, or do you have several different 3x10 components–say, a separate, unique component for each length?
Most of my objects are simple groups laid in array. I have only recently tried to make a set of rafters using components, that would allow a quick change to all, or at least most.
For example: A) 6/12 roof is consistent for 25’ and has a 4’ overhang that requires a different rafter.
The wall height has changed and now requires a new seat cut to the main bay of rafters. (component fix?)
Needing to alter the multiple facets on the eve rafters in an efficient manner. Sometimes making a new rafter is faster than altering the old one, and that seems wrong to me.
Actually, I was going to give you Shep’s method but first wanted to ascertain whether editing a rafter within its own context was going to honk up your other rafters. It would seem not.
If your rafters are components and you have more than a few of the same pattern, you can draw a new rafter component and simply replace all instances of the previous version.
I personally use fewer components when working on complex roofs where there may be only one or two jack rafters that are identical. There are of course other opinions on this.
Couple bits of info possibly helpful for you:
A component’s definitions is invariant under scaling, moving and rotation but the stretching operation shown by shep is done in the edit mode so will effect all of the rafters with that same definition;
When selecting a number of the same instance of a component and then replace with a different one it is pasted into the model based on the axis of the components and its scale. You can use the outliner to quickly select all the rafters you want to replace. Then in the component browser select the one you want to use as replacement and then select the option to replace selected.;
IMHO you should not use groups but components in your model.
Good Luck:)
If you’re not modeling repetitive objects as Components you’re setting yourself up for wasting enormous amounts of time and effort when you need to edit those repetitive objects.
What is it that makes editing the geometry inefficient?
Is it because it’s difficult to see what you’re doing within the model?