Challenges while following Sketchup's Tutorial to create thread on a bolt

I’ve been following this 8 minute video tutorial on Sketchup’s YouTube account, to create a 1mm pitch, 10mm length, thread, on a screw fastener. Do note that I’ve configured SketchUp to SAE fractions of 1/16", but manually entered 10mm to specify the height of cylinder (lifted circle from the base) and 2mm for the height of the initial ‘swirl’ (2 unique swirl objects).

Unfortunately when I get to the 6:08 mark, vertical lines appear on each of the 24 sides of the ‘lifted’ circle. This is where I specified 10mm. I’ve marked one of them with a green arrow:

Additionally, at 6:18 the instructor advises to explode all groups in the screw thread, i.e. the two swirls and the cylinder. Unfortunately when I do this, faces disappear. I’ve attached a video of this.

I’m able to insert individual faces with the rectangular tool, but this a two step process. Does one know of a more efficient way? The following video features a user using the line tool, to quickly generate a face.

Does anyone know what (presumably) keyboard shortcut they use?
Edit: In this case, it seems a simple left click on the other end of the respective face, fills up the face automatically. So no keyboard shortcut needed.

This is the .skp file I’ve been working with:
009_unwanted lines.skp (505.9 KB)

You have two issues with your model, you’re working too small and the face for the cylinder need to be grouped or you will get vertical lines. Those lines are always there, but when the circle is grouped it keeps them smooth so that when you explode the cylinder it shows only the spiral edges as hard edges.
So make sure you group the face outside the context of the spiral edges.
Use what has become known as the Dave Method to work on small geometry.
Here you see I have used the other spiral in your model to make a component that contains two groups, one for the face and one for the spiral. Scale a copy of the component up and work on it and the edits will be reflected in the original small component. So all the faces will form correctly.


@Box pretty much covered it. There are a few reasons that I recommended working at a large scale and resizing to a specific size once the model is complete… this is one of the main ones.

Thank you for the advice especially, in using components, to modify a part of an object.

I went ahead and re-started from the beginning, and made sure that the base circle face was set to a group.

I tried both methods to make the screw. Although the vertical lines, no longer appear, multiple faces disappear when I explode the groups, that the 2 swirls (Aarons method), or Box’s non-shortened spiral method.

Additionally I went back and re-created it, and more faces disappeared.

This is the .skp file when I reverted the steps in the 1st video:
012_missing_faces.skp (770.7 KB)

Step reversal, 2nd video:
013_missing_face_method_2.skp (824.5 KB)

How much bigger did you make the editing component!?
Your thread is tiny, we are talking ‘make it big’ or the faces will fail. Most people scale up by 10, 100 or even 1000. In my version I scaled by 10 which was enough, right at the begining of his video @TheOnlyAaron mentions that his circle is around 9 feet. You appear to have made it larger by about .02.

Go large.

Edit: Now that I have actually looked at your models I see you haven’t scaled the second copy at all, so you totally missed the point of what I was explaining.

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