Hola, Tengo un problema a la hora de cargar el plug in de OpenStudio en SketchUp, he probado todo lo que se me ocurre… He descargado la versión en español Pro de estudiantes tanto 2020 como 2019, y en ambas pasa lo mismo. Tengo un mac, no sé si eso cambia algo… Pero tras instalar bien desde el warehouse o descargandome el archivo .rbz al indicar la raiz, sketchup se cierra. Si lo intento de nuevo, se vuelve a cerrar y así. Alguna solución?
hello, did you follow these steps ?
Installation Steps
1 ) Install OpenStudio Application v1.1.0 or higher
2 ) Install SketchUp 2019 or 2020 desktop client if not already installed.
3 ) Download openstudio-sketchup-plugin.rbz plugin
4 ) Launch SketchUp desktop client. Navigate to: Window → Extension Manager → Install Extension → Browse to openstudio.rbz
5 ) A dialog box will prompt for root path of OpenStudio Application, e.g. ‘C:\openstudioapplication-1.1.0’. It should automatically populate if the OpenStudio Application was installed to the default location.
6 ) SketchUp should now load the extension.
It seems you first need to install openstudio app before the plugin.
If you updated to Big sur, it is possible that openstudio won’t work anymore. It seems the developper has not been recently active and lack of updates can cause your troubles.
Maybe you could try sefaira ?
Sí, he seguido los pasos en ese orden. Al instalarlo dice que la extensión no esta firmada, no sé si eso afecta a algo. Luego da un error y se cierra.
it should not be a problem. Have you udpated MacOS to big sur ?
Open Window > Extension Manger,
Click Settings (the gear icon at top right),
Choose Unrestricted Loading Policy, then click Confirm button.
Restart SketchUp. Do you still see the error ?
Sí, acabo de actualizarlo
Sí, lo tenía así configurado
¿Puede ser debido a que es una versión de prueba?
I don’t think so. But as I said earlier, the fact that MacOS received updates and because openstudio did not receive any update for quite some time might explain why it crashes. There’s no way to be sure it is compatible with macOS big sur
Ahh vale, ahora entiendo… Muchas gracias