Can't edit material/color in kraftmaid cabinet component from 3D warehouse

I have kitchen all set & want to offer different colors scenarios,
I’ve been using the Kraftmaid 'Putnam[ components, but I cannot change color on these 3D warehouse components. Am I missing something, or is this something Kraftmaid did when setting Component Attributes? If it is in components, can I go in and edit? Very frustrated…looking for help please. Thanks!

To see what you are talking about, I downloaded one of the Kraftmaid Putnam cabinets.

In the description on the 3DWH page it indicates it’s cherry.
Screenshot - 7_18_2020 , 10_53_39 AM

There appears to be no attribute setting for the material in the Dynamic component however there’s no reason you can’t edit the existing material either in the Materials editor or in an external image editor. You could also replace the texture with a different one if you wish. If the grain pattern works for you, editing the color ought to do the job.

I’ve edited the materials in my image editor and have this.

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Thank you so much for your reply! hmmm…I wonder if I may have done something when I tried to group all cabinets in components,thinking I could change color of cabinets all at once. Or if I am simply missing something in image or material editor. Will try again…

Sorry to bug you, but can you walk me through what clicks you did to change the color…still unable to change color?

Just a minute.

To edit the material you need to look at the In Model materials. Select the swatch and click on the Edit tab. You can use the editor there to make some basic changes. If you want to use an external image editor you need to first set it as the choice in Preferences>Applications.
Screenshot - 7_18_2020 , 11_24_57 AM

Then go to the Materials panel and right click on the In Model swatch. Choose Edit Texture Image…
Screenshot - 7_18_2020 , 11_26_07 AM

Your image editor will open and show the texture image. You can then edit the texture. Save the changes and return to SketchUp. The changes should appear automatically.
Screenshot - 7_18_2020 , 11_27_15 AM
You’ll also see that the swatch in the Materials panel reflects the update.
Screenshot - 7_18_2020 , 11_28_03 AM

Unfortunately the author of these components chose a less than ideal way to handle the materials by using two different materials, one for vertical and one for horizontal. There’s really no need for that and it just adds bulk to the component. It also means you need to edit both of them to make the changes.

Each component will come in with its own set of textures. You could use an extension like Thom Thom’s Material replacer to replace of the extra copies with just one of them. Otherwise you’ll have to edit the materials for each cabinet.

I am not getting the drop down menu ‘edit texture image’ …

Are you looking at the In Model materials? You can only edit In Model materials.

I thought I was.
In default tray, I select materials, then select ‘in Model’,

I see drop down menu when I R click on swatch, but cannot select edit texture image

Are you click on a texture swatch or just a color swatch? The colors can only be edited in the editor under the Edit tab.

Here Material2 is just a color so it doesn’t have an image associated with it and can’t be edited in an external editor like the textures can.
Screenshot - 7_18_2020 , 12_12_24 PM

Ok I’ve got something going on now…yeah! I will continue playing around with this. I originally started with Sketchup7…it’s been a few years since I’ve done design work, so am re-learning many things…this being one of them. thank you for your time this morning…greatly appreciated. I’ll give you an update once project is complete. Thank you!!

Dave, i am still having trouble with editing component. Wondering if we can talk this morning…?

I’ll send you a PM shortly.

Sounds Good. Thanks!