Can't customize toolbar with mac M2 mini running Sequoia 15

I’ve just upgraded my mac M2 mini to Sequoia 15.0 Beta and can no longer customize the main toolbar. I’m running Sketchup Pro 24.0.554.

If I click on /View/Customize Toolbar… (or right click on the menu bar itself and choose Customize Toolbar…):

  • the menubar items just ‘wobble’ (rather like the app icons on an iPad when moving them around)
  • no window pops up containing the icon selections from which to choose

Once wobbling,nothing will stop them except closing down Sketchup.

Any thoughts?

It works for me. I am getting the beta 7 now, in case there was a recent change.

Still works in beta 7. The shimmering happens even in Sonoma with SketchUp 2017. I’m surprised I hadn’t noticed that before.

If you only see wobbling, Escape or Return should get rid of the panel that you’re not seeing.

I tried your suggestion but neither Escape or Return gets me out of the hole. I have to close Sketchup to get out of the wobbles.

I also have an M1 macBook Pro running Sequoia 15.1 Developer Beta and that behaves in exactly the same way.

The large toolset works fine in both cases - it’s just the standard toolset that becomes unresponsive. I guess I’ll have to wait until Sequoia has settled down.

Any luck now that it’s released? We did not ever see this, and I’m curious if it’s fixed.


No change I’m afraid. I’m now running Sketchup 24.0.595 on Sequoia 15.1 Beta 24B50091 but still no access to toolbar edit. Clicking on Customize Toolbar leads to the wobbles and no access to the toolbar options window. The large toolbar and other edit windows are accessible but I have to restart Sketchup to regain access to the built-in toolbar.

Here’s a screen shot video:

[Update: Just updated to Sequoia Beta 24B5035e and no change]

Thanks for the video. That’s very weird…you don’t have another monitor, do you? I’ll test that later today when I have another monitor. Here’s mine on Sequoia:

I tried making my SketchUp window only about 300 pixels wide, and Sequoia widens the window to just over 1,000 pixels, then opens the tool selections. When I close, it goes back to 300 pixels.
Can you make your window wider?


I just tried low resolutions - I could go down to 960x600, and it still worked. So I’m still puzzled.

I’m on holiday at the moment so I only have my 16in macBook Pro which has the display set to 3456 × 2234 pixels. With Sketchup set to full screen I still don’t see the customisation window.

Odder and odder.

I run the mac version of Sketchup but I also run Windows 11 on both machines using Parallels 19 so I shut that down to see if it might be causing problems but no such luck.

If you do the same actions in Finder or Safari, does the customize pane appear ok? It seems an individual app can have problems. Do a Google search for NSToolbar Configuration NSPreferences, which will show up a lot of articles on how to fix the problem when it happens in Safari, for example.

You might be able to adapt the fix for Safari, to fix SketchUp, or try deleting the preferences file. In Finder, use Go to Folder… from the Go menu, and paste in this full path:


That would be the file to delete.

  • customize toolbar works fine in both Finder and Safari
  • it also works fine with Layout 2024
  • I’ve deleted the preferences plist file for Sketchup but it has made no difference to the absence of the config window.

I’ve noticed something that is even odder. If I choose Customize Toolbar the Text Entry field shows up. If I then click in the Text Entry field Sketchup shuts down.


Great news! I’ve just upgraded Sequoia on both my mac mini and macBook Pro to version 15.1 2485046f and Sketchup is now working correctly on both machines.


I’m troubleshooting this right now with my SU 24.0.595 on Sequoia 15.0. Same exact symptoms and behavior.

colin Customizing the Safari toolbar works fine, and getting rid of the SketchUp.2024.plist does not fix my SU. The problem persists.

niknelb, I’m assuming you’re on the 15.1 beta?

Disabling all my plugins, however, does fix the problem and the drop-down palette of tool icons now appears. I have not re-enabled any of them yet because…

I am seeing a message from my Curic plugins about a security issue with the “RubyEncoder loader (RGLoader)” and the “rgloader32.darwin” bundle, but the instructions given do not match what I’m seeing in my system prefs. I’m going to try to locate the bundle and see if a quarantine bit is set on the bundle…

Ok, thomthom’s “Selection Toys” appears to be at least one of my installed plugins that breaks the Mac toolbar customization, and D.Bur’s “Axes Manager” is a second one. Still isolating potential others…

Interestingly, my own self-developed plugins break it :confused: Knowing this, however, I am going to look at my icon files and see if something correlates with what is in Selection Toys and in Axes Manager.

I’ve just installed thomthom’s “Selection Toys” and toolbar customization is still working fine for me.

I’m still on Sequoia 15.0 though, so your Sequoia 15.1 may have solved whatever issue that I’m still seeing?


Here’s what did it in my plugin(s)…

I had two commands with the same string for the “menutext” parameter of the constructor. This was a copy & paste error where I forgot to change a menutext string, and after correcting the second constructor, the drop-down palette opens and the toolbar can be customized without issues. And the problem is repeatable - I can break the toolbar customization by using the same string for any two commands within my initialization routines.

        cmd ='Toggle Section Cuts') { Sketchup.send_action 'sectionToggleActivation:' }
        cmd.tooltip = cmd.status_bar_text = cmd.menu_text
        cmd.large_icon = cmd.small_icon = BG_ICONS + 'tb_sectioncut.pdf'

        cmd ='Toggle Section Cuts') { Sketchup.send_action 'sectionToggleFill:' }
        cmd.tooltip = cmd.status_bar_text = cmd.menu_text
        cmd.large_icon = cmd.small_icon = BG_ICONS + 'tb_sectionfill.pdf'

For simplicity, I use the same text for the menu, the tooltip and the status bar, so maybe it isn’t necessarily the menu text. And I haven’t seen this toolbar issue until SU 24.0.595 on Sequoia 15.0, but then again, I haven’t edited my toolbar for quite some time so the issue may have been present earlier.

In perusing thomthom’s Selection Toys code, that code appears to use the same strings for two or more commands, so there’s some correlation with what I just discovered in my plugins.

This may be something to check and at least throw an error in the Ruby Console.

SketchUp newbie with same issue → try to customize toolbar, but only get wobbling buttons at top of SU window and no toolbar customization window popping up. MacBook Air (2022, M2) with Sequoia 15.0.1 OS, dual screens. Thought the toolbar customization window was lost off screen. Fiddled around for an hour before finding this thread. Deactivated “Selection Toys” and I was able to customize the toolbar like normal again. Thank you.

Well it’s also worth updating your sequoia. It’s version 15.3 right now, and the early 2-3 versions of a mac ps are known to be full of unresolved tiny issues.

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You’re right, thank you - my Mac wasn’t auto-updating the OS (even though settings were to auto-update) and there were no notifications to update to 15.3 (separate issue). Once 15.3 was installed, SU toolbar customization worked without issue upon:

  1. opening SU 2024;
  2. re-installing “Selection Toys”;
  3. quitting and restarting SU.
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