Cannot login with Sketchup 2020 Pro

I can login my Trimble account but same username and password I can’t login Sketchup 2020 Pro, Could you please help me for login, this software is useless, or money back?

Have you checked that your Sketchup subscription up to date and current?

Not let me login, How can I check subscription?

When I login Trimble account only i can see expired on 21 August 2021. Not let me login at all.

What do you get when you go through the License Manager steps?

I cannot check it. Asking serial number. I didn’t find in my Trimble account. I got other 6 months for use it but I unable log in.

I use the SU Pro with the classic license, never had problems with licensing that I can remember.

I can’t help you then, perhaps someone else that is knowledgeable or someone that is on SketchUp’s payroll can help out here.

I see the same that you do. Is it possible that you are relying on your browser remembering your password when signing into your account, but manually typing it when signing in with SketchUp? That is, maybe a forgot password would fix the issue.

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Thank you very much your advice. That was the problem. I can log in now.