Can no longer import a SU model (as KMZ) into Google Earth Pro

I’m stuck and baffled! Thanks in advance for your advice.
I can’t import a 3D model into Google Earth Pro, even after I’ve created an “add location”. Plus, within GEP, my KMZ file is grayed out. I’m instructed to find lat-lon coordinates, convert them to decimals, which I use to create the new location. (My memory says I didn’t do this before.) The location I’m wanting is in Baton Rouge (30.44535778 -91.19171389) It’s a cruise ship dock on the shoreline of the Mississippi River. I’ve done this successfully before, with a different model and different location, but never had this difficulty. My Macbook Pro is running the latest OS, Sequoia15.1.1, and SketchUp 24.0.595.

This sounds like a Google Earthissue. Have you tried contacting their support?

I just made a KMZ export from SketchUp and opened it in Google Earth Pro and it worked as it always has.

Thanks. Earlier today I managed to insert the model and it showed up in Colorado. This lead me the “add location” solution, but even after I did that, the insert takes me to other places, like some rural town in Kansas.
Weird. But I’ll take it to them IF they will reply.
Thanks again, sir.

You definitely have to geolocate (add location) in SketchUp before the model will be in the right place on import to GE. Check in model info to see whether your intended location actually “took”. The default is SketchUp’s offices in Boulder Colorado.

Since it used to work, I assume you are running the Google Earth Pro app.

I just geolocated a SketchUp model to my home location, exported as kmz, orbit/zoomed GE Pro to look at my yard, and then opened the kmz. The model appeared in my front yard as expected. So, whatever is going on is peculiar to your model, computer, or GE setup. FWIW I am running SU 2024 under macOS 15.2.

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