Can I import AutoCAD files with trial subscription on a Mac

Can you help? I am new to sketch up and trying it out as an alternative to AutoCAD. I have a one month trial which are running on my Mac book pro. I’m trying to import auto cad files but the options seems to be great out. Do you know if it is possible to do this with the trial version?

What file type are you trying to import? I’ve never heard of AutoCamp.

Your profile says you are using SketchUp Free (web) which does not allow importing CAD files. You need at least SketchUp Go or SketchUp Pro to do that.

Are the greyed out files on your local machine or on a cloud service?

Thanks, the files are on my mac

Before I pay for the pro I wanted to see how easy it is to work with CAD files. Is this possible?

Use the 30-day trial perod of Pro.

Using SketchUp Free (web) is not really a good representation of what you can do with Pro.

You could download SketchUp Pro desktop and try this during its trial period. SketchUp Web does not support importing CAD files.