Can I assign a material to Tags?

Hi guys,

Sorry for the newbie question. I come from other software and I am used to assigning material to layers so that all objects in that layer get the same material. Moreoever, I can change displays from layer color to material so that I can easily identify which objects have which material and to correct errors when geometry that is not supposed to be glass is in glass layer.


Layers are named Tags these days. If you open the Tags tray you can see a + button, for you to add your own tags. Each tag has a color, and you can either change that color with a color wheel, or you can import an image to use instead. On Mac you can assign one of the built in textures, but on Windows you would have to get the material for the tag color from the external file that you had also imported to use as a material.

In the upper right of the Tags tray there is a Color by Tag option. Clicking on that will make all of the objects appear to have the tag assigned material. Clicking the button again will reveal what material you really assigned to those faces.

Colin, this doesn’t really answer Shynn’s question. I have the same question. I know that I can edit a tag and change the color wheel, or browse to an external image file. But how do I assign a material (glass, for example) to a tag which contains geometry that was imported from another program, labeled “A-Glaz”. I want all of the imported glazing items to be the Sketchup glass material, not just blue (or some other color). Right clicking a glazing object and picking “Select all with same material” almost gets you there, but most of the imported geometry comes in as groups that I do not wish to explode, and assigning a material to a group does not assign it to the geometry inside the group. Changing the material of a tag would accomplish this… but how?

Hi @jbernier might want to refer to this thread instead.

The best option I selected as solution. It basically makes use of the extension ‘selection toys’ which allows you to select geometry inside groups without exploding them.

Also, you can tell whoever is exporting to assign a random material to your glass geometry so that once it is imported to Sketchup, you can just change the material properties instead of reassigning a new one.

It is what it is, but its better than nothing.

Done natively with no extensions.