Camera vs Standard Views

Does anyone know if you can get “purely” ortho views out of Standard views? I keep trying but the Cam defaults to a slightly skewed Parallel projection at best.

Thanks in advance.

It’s possible depending on the version of SketchUp. What version of SketchUp are you using? Complete your forum profile.

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SketchUp Pro 2020 is my standby. I have lifetime deal and tend not to update every year.

The standard view of ISO goes to the nearest ISO view at the time. You could get to a predictable view by choosing Front then ISO.

Whether it then has perspective or not can be chosen from the Camera menu.

Put that in your forum profile.

If you center the model in the viewport with Zoom Extents and select Iso and Parallel Projection you should get what you need. Example using a cube.

Create a scene to set the camera position once you have it.

You can also use Position Camera.

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See if you still have the systems axes as current drawing axes. Right click on any of the axes in empty space to see if ‘Reset Axes’ is available. If so, select it and try the standard views again.

Thanks so much.