you guys are great. thank you. i don’t use the pull tool often enough.
If you do not have a special plugin for this you can give a roof of any shape thickness by copying it and lift the copy a desired thickness.
Select roof. Take the move tool and hit ctrl to get a plus sign click the roof hit the up arrow key and lift the copy. Then fill with vertical lines. You can use shape from contour in the sandbox tools to fill a more complicated form like a dome.
There are a thousand ways to do this as you have seen.
or simple push bottom face down
I think this extension is perfect for this case Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse
Explore the capabilities on SU’s native tools before resorting to an unnecessary plugin.
See Aidan Chopra’s tutorial series on roof modeling.
Complex hip roofs and the Follow Me tool
Using Intersect with Model to make roofs
Making hip roofs
Creating eaves for buildings with pitched roofs
Constructing gabled roofs
Building flat roofs with parapets
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