Bending text to conform to awning shape

You can’t push pull a curved face! I didn’t use P/P.
Here, I recorded the gif as a vid.
If that isn’t the one you want, tell me which it is.

Dear Sir…I followed your video, using me trusty pause button. Step by
step. I got to the point where I unglued the text and tried to P/P the text
and get the red letters that says "cannot P/P on a smooth or curved
surface. Please when you get time, can you tell me if I missed something?
Thankyou so much for your time. RoB

I tried for another little while, step by step and I must be missing
something. Here is what I did:

  • I used the 2 point arc tool to create a shape similar to yours

  • Then I opened the 3D text tool and used the “enter text” caption

  • I then check boxes fill and also extrude

  • After that I clicked “place text” and moved the text to the front of the
    shape in the center

  • Once I got it there, I right clicked on the text and seleceted “unglue”

  • This is where I used P/P to pull the letters towards the vantage point

  • After which I moved the curved shape a little to make sure all letters
    were perforating the curve

  • This when I got the mess that is my workspace…

If you can tell me which of these things were erroneous, I would be very
happy. When you have time of coarse.

And as always thankyou to the heros at Sketchup Forum!


Hello again! Vahé here.

Did you group the shape after creating it?

Have you tried using the Scale Tool instead of Pushpull? The advantage is that you don’t have to click on every single letter to extrude. You just click on the middle node to “stretch” your letters.

Hi folks.

Have you tried placing the text on a flat face and then bending the flat face containing the text to match the curve of the awning ?

Just ideas.


Apropos “bending” : “shape-bender” can do that too (3dimensional); scrolling down the 2. and 3. picture shows examples.
Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse

Tried a few more times

First, I pulled a circular shape up. It looks like a cylinder. I cut it in
half, removed the excess, and all that remains is a curved sheet-like
surface. Now, I proceeded to select that curve and created a group called
“curvy”. Then I opened the 3D text tool and selected a font and a random
caption “SketchUP!” I clicked “place” after selecting the filled and the
extruded boxes. It’s a little small, so I used the “S” key to help me
resize it for a better fit. This is when I ungued the sample text, pressed
the “S” key again and stretched the extrusion towards my view. Time to
explode the text and I did. I then re selected the text as well as the
curve shape and clicked on Intersect faces with selection. When I rotated
the selection I tried to remove the extrusions, leaving the letters on the
curved surface. It didn’t work, so I painstakingly removed every segment of
the extrusion and the lettering is now fit to curve…but it’s VERY
jagged, with what I call “nodes” all along the letters. If I could get some
one to talk me through this even by phone, I am sure I could save more
hours of trial and error. Whatever you can do is appreciated, but not
Thankyou…I will send a screen shot in a few seconds.

awning shape>

Tried a few more times

First, I pulled a circular shape up. It looks like a cylinder. I cut it in
half, removed the excess, and all that remains is a curved sheet-like
surface. Now, I proceeded to select that curve and created a group called
“curvy”. Then I opened the 3D text tool and selected a font and a random
caption “SketchUP!” I clicked “place” after selecting the filled and the
extruded boxes. It’s a little small, so I used the “S” key to help me
resize it for a better fit. This is when I ungued the sample text, pressed
the “S” key again and stretched the extrusion towards my view. Time to
explode the text and I did. I then re selected the text as well as the
curve shape and clicked on Intersect faces with selection. When I rotated
the selection I tried to remove the extrusions, leaving the letters on the
curved surface. It didn’t work, so I painstakingly removed every segment of
the extrusion and the lettering is now fit to curve…but it’s VERY
jagged, with what I call “nodes” all along the letters. If I could get some
one to talk me through this even by phone, I am sure I could save more
hours of trial and error. Whatever you can do is appreciated, but not
Thankyou…I will send a screen shot in a few seconds.

awning shape>

Why? None of the instructions say to do this:
Text is in one group.
Curve is in another group.

Position the text group so that it looks like it cuts into the curve in the correct place. {This involves moving, rotating, stretching (and if you really want, push-pull - but it’s probably not the best option)}

Double click on the curve group to enter it

Use the right menu item to intersect the curved face with the text. This gives you lines where the two 3D objects touch each other.

Then you don’t need the text group any more - delete it.

Oh-oh! This is the bummer. No need to explode the text. That’s why it takes time to clean all the unnecessary segments. Could you remind me what was your original intention with the ‘curved text on a curved surface’ topic? Do you need the curved (and flat) letters? Or do you simply want to learn how to make them yourself? Let me see if I can produce a video tutorial for you.

When I showed you the process, I didn’t explode the text at all. I just ran the intersection with the awning and then deleted the 3D text.

Dave…I’m very appreciative that you took the time to give me a remote
support call, even though you had to do do some family stuff. That’s why i
didn’t want to bother you with my denseness. When we the remote support, it
was so fast I could not absorb it all. Still trying, still trying to
understand geometry (LOL)


Dave…I am getting closer. Once I understand the concept even a nimrod
(like me) can pull it together. I typed “HALO??” and your system worked,
but I think I should have pulled a couple of the letters through? The
screenshot also shows tons of artifacts on the letters. I think you said
that some settings have to be changed every time you use the program? The
bumps are horrifying for sure. At least I got it to work a little, for that
I am grateful. RoB

Rob, you could have made the extrusion depth of the letters greater so they’d all pass through the side of the cylinder.

The only thing I see in your screen shot that might be considered “artifacts” is the endpoints and extensions from that Architectural Design Style tied to your template. Go to the Styles window and click on the Edit tab. Edit the Edges and turn those endpoints and extensions off.

You know, to get this intersection with the text thing down, you might consider starting with just a flat face drawn with the Rectangle tool. That will help to simplify it. Once you understand that well, you can make the curved surface and do it the same thing. It’s sort of like learning to play the piano. Learn a few simple things first and then combine them to make a more complicated piece.

Thanks for your reply Dave…I tried the flat surface idea and it’s easy
to extend the extrision through the back…But it locks when I try to pull
it through the front. That’s probably cake for most draftsmen and 3d
artists, but this glitsch is a stickler for mme. Have a gerat night!


Rob, I expect you’re running into the glue to attribute of the 3D text. When you get back at it try it this way for a change. Follow these steps exactly. Do this in a new model.

  1. Switch to the Front view.
  2. Get the Rectangle tool and draw a square. Make it 36 in. on a side.
  3. Use the Select tool (Space Bar) to select all of the square and its edges. Double click on the face to get it all selected.
  4. Hit M to get the Move tool.
  5. Hit Ctrl to invoke the Copy function.
  6. Move/copy the square back along the solid green axis. Orbit as needed to see what you’re doing and to get the Move tool to go in the right direction. Move the copy back 12".
  7. Open the 3D text tool. Select the font you wish to use. Make the other settings as shown at left, below. Use a single letter as I did.
  8. Click Place and place the text on the square in the back.
  9. Right click on the face of the front square and choose Intersect Faces>With Model.
  10. Select and delete the 3D Text.

Why don´t You follow my suggestion writing the text on a flat surface and bend it afterwards with Chris Fullmers “shape-bender” ? (posted 9 hours before now)

mouseclick on gif for animation. Sorry when it does not work - in the preview and with IE it works good.

You’ve missed the point that he hasn’t managed the lettering on a flat face yet, and as such bending that is another whole issue.

Lets let him get the hang of the lettering before adding yet another element (the plugin) to the problem.

DaveR said 1 post before : Do this in a new model.”

So why not with the most uncomplicated method ?