Beautiful render of SKP architecture (need work - I'm from Ukraine)

Hello colleagues!
I decided to create this post, as new contacts are required for interaction in various markets. I really look forward to feedback from the guys involved in architectural modeling.

Today I have extensive experience in modeling any architectural solutions, I am not an architect by profession, but I have more than 10 years of experience in construction. This gives me the opportunity not only to model, but also to see the final picture for the client. That is why for the last 5 years I have been doing rendering as a self-taught.

Recent events in Ukraine have suspended the activities of the company where I worked as head of marketing, and my income has dropped to zero. Now I need to look for a job and continue to learn new things in our direction.

Over the past 7 years, I have mastered many visual editors, video, vector graphics, 3D modeling, 3D animation, studied many programs such as: Cinema 4D, Unreal Engine, Twinmotion, Sketchup (of course), After Effects, Davnci, Illustrator, and many others on the theme of the visual.

I had to study all this not only at will, but also for a high-quality technical task for my subordinates.

I really hope that the community will understand that someone will respond to my post and we will find an opportunity to do business, because besides me there are many people in Ukraine (my team) who want to work in this direction. Quality is the most important thing for me, responsibility and long-term relationships are no less important.

I know that among you there are specialists in architectural solutions, there are those who can create cool building models, maybe you need our help in beautiful video renderings. If I get to the point, I’m waiting for your suggestions in this post, we’ll contact you anywhere, I’m flexible in communication, if anything)!


Hi I can’t really help giving you work etc. I like your rendering it’s simple but crisp.
Reminds me of some our city streets we call the “strip malls” (shops of all types along a road with car park) some are are beauty parlours, medical, restaurants, oriented or car servicing etc.
I just want to say I wish for you to be safe and away from harm. Maybe you managed to get out to a safe country.
I am a 55+ person and this is Forum is amazing and has taught me a lot. I nearly totally autodidact coming from Fashion and Interior Design and do architectural concepts.
I hope some firms here on, will support you with some work.
Have you thought of offering your knowledge in an online course format? I know it’s a lot of planning in a country in your people’s situation.
Lucky architecture and rendering is international. Maybe try to post on LinkedIN in business section? It’s free I met a very nice gentlemen renderer there who lives in the Philippines who has taught me a lot and co-operated with me on my biggest concept ever all at no cost, which is a miracle in the Internet world. I came across your post just looking, where to post my project and by doing so thanking this SK Forum community.
I wanted to make sure someone replied to your post. #ukraine #render #work #needed
Keep us informed I will try to post a link this post on my Twitter, not that I have many followers
Greetings from Vancouver Canada.
Sincerely I hope you get over and out of all this!


Thanks to! I am engaged in the visualization of complex architectural solutions, what I posted above is what I managed to pick up before leaving Kyiv. Now I am in Lviv, this is the west of Ukraine. It’s a little quieter here, and I can work here. Now I’m waiting for my working computer, I need to bring it from Kyiv, and I can do serious renderings!

As for online courses, I support you! I will probably do it as soon as I get the chance. Now I work for the country, there are many areas in which I am a specialist. Along with the agricultural sector, construction is now the most pressing issue. A large number of migrants from east to west, there is a need for shelters within the country, respectively, we come up with prefabricated structures from natural materials located in Ukraine. These are hemp and lime, straw and clay. The agricultural sector is important, Europe could be plunged into famine. So I can render, but the country is more important now.


Hello. Good to read that your are in the safer region now. We follow all these sad events in the news.
I hope peace is coming soon again. And yes the rebuilding will be expensive, long and hard work.

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I am wishing you and your team well in these times which must be very difficult for you. I am looking for assistance with Sketchup and Layout, working from schematic design to working drawings. Mostly residential. Aside from the exterior model, most of the work is 2D.

Email me if you’re interested.

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Thank you for the wishes, the Ukrainians are now changing dramatically! Yes, and the world will change, but a lot of work is still needed to normalize the entire situation in Ukraine. But everything will be fine!